Sunday 30 October 2016


The end is nigh

No longer any restraint, no more delay, no more call to repentance; the solemn outpouring of the vials of wrath proceed to their bitter end.    There is much activity; we see the following:

  • Unusual human activity.     The great river Euphrates which has been flowing from the very beginning of man's existence, is suddenly dried up.   The wonder of such a miracle should not be underestimated.      The God who can vary the intensity of the sun, can dry up rivers at will.   This is a river which has regularly burst its banks and provided water for growth over many miles and many years.   For some reason it would appear that warfare is going to return to man- to- man combat as in the past.   Perhaps this is because the entire electronic system of the world empire has been destroyed.   In chapter 9v14-16 there is mention of an army of two hundred million horsemen.   The likelihood is in chapter 9 that this number refers to demon spirits, but since demonic activity is usually replicated in human activity on earth it could be there is a vast army gathering for an assault on Israel.   Never has the world seen such an army and it would appear they are under the direction of the kings of the east.   Perhaps they are taking advantage of the weakness of the western powers, due to divine judgment.   If we read the prophetic scriptures aright we would deduce by this time the northern and southern kingdoms are all but neutralised.  
  • Desperate demonic activity.     Surely by now the devil is running out of ideas and what happens next amounts to a last gasp attempt to salvage some respectability for their kingdom.   John sees three unclean spirits like frogs leaping from the mouth of the dragon and the beast and the false prophet.   These represent the last attack of the unholy trinity on the kingdom of God.   They are defined as the spirits of demons working miracles and they go forth to the kings of the earth and the inhabitants of the whole world to gather them together to battle.   Psalm 2 has a comment on this "why do the nations tumultuously assemble (RV) and the people imagine a vain thing?    The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His anointed."   Notice very clearly here the kings and rulers of the world, and the common people of the world are under the control of demon spirits, and will do whatever they suggest, no matter how foolish.  
  • Sovereign divine activity.     All the while when men think they are doing their will, and demons think they are controlling men, the truth is that the sovereign Lord is controlling them all.   Who dried up the Euphrates?   Answer, the Lord.   Why did He dry it up?   To prepare the way of the great army.   Who used the demon spirits to persuade everyone to gather in one place against his people Israel.   The answer is clear in verse 14.   God will gather together all rebels for the battle of the great day of God Almighty.   All the future affecting the world is known, even the name of the place where it will happen............Armageddon.   Consider the following scriptures Psalm 2v4-5  "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.   Then shall He speak unto them in His wrath and vex them in His sore displeasure."   Joel chapter 3v2  "I will also gather all nations and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat    Joel3v12-14  "Let the nations be wakened and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the nations roundabout........for their wickedness is great.   Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision' for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision."   Zechariah 14v2-3  "For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle ......then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle."   The combination of human military might inspired by demonic power and ingenuity will only result in God fulfilling his word which he has stated for long ages now." Like lambs to the slaughter, He will draw them together for the final assault.

At this time he interjects a warning to his beloved people, and a reminder that he is coming soon.   The appeal is for them even in times like this to watch and walk with dignity and keep the faith.  

Amazon bookshelf   George Neilly

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