Saturday 8 October 2016


The last days from heaven's perspective        Revelation 14v1-15v4.              An overview.

In this window stretching from chapter 11v19 - chapter 15v4 we are introduced to events during the last three and a half years of the present world.   This describes events from the mid point of Daniel's 70th week (Daniel 9v27) right through to the end and beyond.   In the first section 11v19 - 13v18 we have been looking at this period from the viewpoint of the earth.   Now from chapter 1v1 - 15v 4 we are introduced to the same time period except from heaven's point of view.   It is the purpose of our discussion today to establish this in our minds.   Before we place in order the different events as they come, it is helpful to notice certain trends within the verses.  
  • There is mentioned the Holy Trinity.      The Lamb, verse 1, verse 4, and verse 10 together with the Son of man verse 14 referring to God the Son.; the Spirit of God is mentioned in verse 13 and the Lord God Almighty referring to God the Father in chapter 15v3-4.   This is the answer to the triad evil which we have seen in chapters 12&13.   The active ones in this window are Christ the Son of God, God the Father and the Holy Spirit of God.
  • We have different groups of saints.     There is the one hundred and forty four thousand described in verses 4-5.   Then we have the blessed dead in heaven in verses 12&13.   Then we have the victorious saints in chapter 15v2-4.
  • There are multiple references to angels.     One flying in mid heaven preaching the gospel in verse 6.   One proclaiming the fall of Babylon verse 8.   One describing the doom of the beast worshippers in verses 9-11.   The holy angels again are mentioned in verse 10.   In verse 15 an angel emerges from the temple.   In verse 17 another angel emerges from the temple.   Verse 18 another angel  brings fire from heaven upon the earth.   In verse 19 another angel thrust his sickle into the earth, known in modern times as "the grim reaper."   In chapter 15v1 we have what is described as a great and marvellous sign in heaven, that of the seven angels having the seven last plagues of the wrath of God.  
  • In chapter 14v2-3 we have the throne of heaven and all its courtiers.   The throne on whom sits one known as "the king of saints" (chapter 15v3), the four living creatures and the twenty four elders.
Putting all that together it is clear that heaven is in control and heaven is extremely active.   The overriding message of these verses is one of terrible judgment upon earth from heaven.
  • The proclamation of judgment from mid heaven (chapter 14v7).
  • The fall of Babylon, the world system (chapter 14v8).
  • The declaration of individual torment by the third angel  (chapter 14v9-11).
  • The grain harvest of the earth (chapter 14v14-16).
  • The grape harvest of the earth (chapter 14v17-20).
  • The seven last plagues (chapter 15v1, which are described in detail in chapter 16).
This is an extremely solemn chapter but we are glad of the little visions dotted over the verses which provide a way of escape.   None of us dare treat lightly the solemn issues which are here explained and which we must absorb, in every last detail.

Amazon bookshelf   George Neilly

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