Sunday 2 October 2016


Another beast                                   Revelation 13v11-18                                His mimicry

"And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon".     Rev. 13v1.

This is the third of the triad of evil to be introduced: we have the dragon corresponding to God the Father; we have the first beast corresponding to God the Son; and now the second beast corresponding to the Holy Spirit.   The clear ploy is imitation, mimicry.   Satan uses various ploys; sometimes opposition, sometimes corruption, sometimes imitation.   Why does he use imitation?   Because he knows there is none higher, none greater, none wiser than the Most High.   If he is to make anything of his conquest it will require a plan of imitation.   Having being deposed to earth he seeks to set up a trinity of evil.   The expression  "another beast" is interesting because it copies the statement of Christ in John 14v16   "I will pray the Father and He shall give you  another comforter."   Another comforter, another beast;  The Greek word is allos which means another of the same kind.   The devil is now copying the three persons of the Godhead.   It will therefore be profitable to compare the work of the Holy Spirit with the work of the second beast, because he copies it, but for evil purposes.     The Holy Spirit is the propagator of spiritual truth, so the second beast becomes the mouthpiece of the first beast.   

In contrast to the Spirit of truth who convicts the world of the truth of God this other beast persuades the world of alternative religion.   It says  "he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon."   He looked the part until he opened his mouth.   He presented himself as a young lamb, the title in Revelation  reserved only for Christ.   He appears harmless and lovable even adorable but in fact he is  "a wolf in sheep's clothing;"  other statements like  "trees without fruit" - "clouds without water"  illustrate the point; promising great things but never able to produce anything of lasting value.   Empty promises, deceiving people into a false sense of security.   He looked like a lamb but he spoke as a dragon.   In reality he is a vicious conman, dragging people down with him.   He is in fact  "THE FALSE PROPHET"  ( Revelation 19v20 & Revelation 20v10).   There have been many false prophets, but this man tops them all.   He has a religious profile but an evil intention.   He poses as a holy man but he is inwardly evil, with evil intent.   He speaks wisdom, but it is not wisdom from above.  

His aim is to command the allegiance of the world to the first beast.   He presents himself as the true messiah, when he is in fact the tool of Satan. All Christians are warned even today that we must "try the spirits to see if they are of God". There's a lot of deception about, the " mystery of lawlessness is already at work".

Amazon bookshelf   George Neilly

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