Monday 10 October 2016


The redeemed of the earth                            Revelation 14v1-5.  

"..........and with Him an hundred and forty four thousand, having His Father's name written on their foreheads.....".

The scene is Mount Zion, the future kingdom of God on earth. John sees with Him one group of the saints, the 144,000.   There will be many more groups to follow.   This is the same group who were sealed for service at the beginning of the tribulation in chapter 7; now we see them having come through the great tribulation having overcome in very dark days, and resisted the two beasts and indeed, as we shall see, they were successful in bringing many more to the Lord (Chapter 15v2).  They now take their place with Christ on earth in His kingdom and what we have here is a sneak preview of the kingdom in which there will be many groups of people from all walks of life.   We note a number of features of this future day:
  • They are secured    "Having His Father's name written on their foreheads."   This expresses Divine ownership and personal security, because they are now beyond the threat of all.   The expression is in contrast to the "mark of the beast on their foreheads" (ch.13) which they have refused.  
  • They are glorified.     Verse 2 tells us that heaven and earth are no longer separated.   The one hundred and forty four thousand are on earth on Mount Zion and there is visible and audible communication with heaven; "I heard a voice" (twice in verse 2) and "they sung a new song before the throne."   Ever since the days of creation heaven and earth have been separated; there has always been a great gulf, but no longer.   Just as Jesus predicted in John 1v51  "hereafter ye shall see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man."
  • They are united.   "They sung a new song."   the song was accompanied by harps which always speak of sweet harmony in a tranquil setting.   They played and they sang before the throne (God) and before the four living creatures (The chief angels) and before the elders (the ransomed church).   It is noted that their song was such that only they could sing it (verse 3).   We saw before that a new song is a song of praise for every fresh occasion.   God brings us all through different experiences, and we all of us have songs that only we can sing.  
  • They are redeemed.     they are called  "the redeemed of the earth" and "redeemed from among men."   They were all Jews, twelve thousand from each tribe, every tribe represented, and all with the same number.   They were bought by the blood of the Lamb with whom they stood on Mount Zion.   The redemption price had been paid at Calvary.   They are described as  "the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb."   This just means they were the first to be redeemed in this period of the tribulation.   the idea of the firstfruits is that a great harvest would follow.
  • They are dedicated.   They are called virgins, and this means they were celibate.    Such was the nature of their calling, they could not possibly live a normal home life.   The phrase  "not defiled with women" does not suggest normal sexual relations are defilement because Hebrews 13v4 makes it clear that "marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled."   However because God had called them to such a task it would have been defilement to them because they would not have been able to follow the Lamb wherever He went, which was their calling.
  • They are sanctified.     No guile found in their mouth, blameless before the throne of God (verse 5).   In relation to men no deceit, no fraud, no hypocrisy.   In relation to God blameless before the judicial throne.   Only those who are perfectly holy can serve the Lord, this is one of the great fruits of redemption because the Lamb took all their sins and in that day to come they with all of us will be a holy people. 
What a fitting summary for all God's people from all ages: secured/glorified/united/ redeemed/dedicated/sanctified.................. and all because of the perfect sacrifice of the Lamb!!

Amazon bookshelf   George Neilly

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