Wednesday 19 October 2016


The saints victorious                                             Revelation 15v2b.  

"....and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass having the harps of God."  

Upon this hallowed ground, the sea of glass mingled with fire, the stones of fire, the sapphire pavement of glory resembling a sea around the throne of God, are seen a group of very special people.   They are not identified but they have come out of the period of great tribulation.   We now note what it says about them.
  • They had gotten the victory.   They were the overcomers in the most trying circumstances ever known.   It is left to our imagination just what they went through.   They overcame against the greatest odds.   They could be added to the list of the heroes of faith in Hebrews chapter 11.   Faith in God is not for the fearful; it demands great courage.   In this case it was the severest test.   They lived in days, when to be faithful to Jesus Christ, almost certainly meant death, or great hardship.   They refused the authority of the tyrant, the beast;  they would not bow to his image; they refused his mark and rejected the number of his name.   We have already seen that this meant they could not trade; neither could they buy or sell.   These would not be bought for any price even death for them was better than bowing to the beast.  
  • They were standing on the sea of glass!   They stood where only Moses and the elders of Israel stood.   They stood on the ground only walked by the anointed cherub.   The only man who had walked this ground was the glorified Jesus as He tread those sacred stones to the very throne of God (chapter 5v6).   They stood on the ground of the holiness of God; on the ground of the glory of God; on the ground of the peace of God.   They stood where the fire was mingled with the crystal sea.   They stood on redemption ground.   Rather like Moses and the burning bush where it is said "the bush burned but the bush was not consumed."   They stood on ground where the fire had already been consumed; that same fire which will shortly bring awful judgment to the world, these victors stood without fear in the very hallowed presence of God.   What a wonderful illustration of the righteousness of God bestowed upon all His people, and this is expounded in Romans 5v1-2  "therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (this is the sea of glass), by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand (there is the standing upon the sea of glass)."   Sinless angels have stood in the presence of God but never as near as this.   Here we have sinners saved by the grace of God, and overcoming by the power of God standing on ground where even angels have never trod!   
  • Having the harps of God.   They are not inactive.   They have been given harps, which symbolise stringed instruments.   The music of the harp is that of soothing harmony, music God Himself created.   Ezekiel 28v13 reveals that God created the wind instruments and the stringed instruments which would make great music,   God is the creator of music.   The harps are used for beautiful background music, that which calms the soul; what they were given were the harps of God.   Those who advocate there should be no musical instruments used in the worship of God need to take notice.   Music in itself is not evil, it all depends the use to which it is put.   Here we have a redeemed people enjoying the peace and the harmony of heaven, as close to God as it is possible to be, yet not afraid because He has put music in their hearts and in their hands.   

Amazon bookshelf   George Neilly

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