Friday 21 October 2016


The beginning of the end                         Revelation 15v5.    

"And after that I looked, and behold the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened."

This rather clumsy translation is rendered in the amplified bible thus  "after this I looked and the sanctuary of the tent of the testimony in heaven was thrown open."   In Old testament language the ark of God (which is the symbol of the presence of God), emerges from the inner sanctuary when God comes to take personal dealings with the world.     In the Old testament, the ark of the testimony brought terror into the lives of those exposed to it, and this is the ominous sign here.   God is about to unleash the fury of his wrath for the last time.   The details of the seven vials in chapter 16 are similar to those of the seven trumpets, except they are increased in intensity and carry the idea of finality.   This verse begins a whole new section in the book of revelation  and continues until chapter 19v10.    This is the time of the end.   We have previously indicated that the entire book is divided into different sections which we have called windows, each section beginning with something being opened in heaven.   We wish to slightly alter the previous division whilst maintaining the same pattern throughout the book.  

The entire book of revelation can be divided into seven separate windows each one commencing with  something which is opened in heaven.   The meaning of the word revelation is literally "the drawing aside of the curtain" and can be likened to an unfolding drama consisting of seven scenes   We now trace the seven scenes through the book before coming back to chapter 15 in order to see it in its setting .

  • Scene 1     -     Chapter 1v1 - 3v22.   Curtainfall; the unveiling of Jesus Christ in heavenly glory walking in the midst of His churches which are on earth. The drama begins.
  • Scene 2     -     Chapter 4v1 - 5v14.    Coronation;  A door is opened in heaven and the scene is the coronation of Christ in the heavenly realms. 
  • Scene 3     -     Chapter 6v1 - 7v17.    Calamity; the opening of the first seal signalling the commencement of turmoil on earth   
  • Scene 4     -     Chapter 8v1 - 11v18.  Certainty;  The scene begins with the breaking open of the seventh seal and God begins to take control of the earth.
  • Scene 5     -    Chapter 11v19 - 15v4. Conquest ;   The scene begins with the sanctuary of God in heaven being thrown open and God confronts the forces of evil.
  • Scene 6     -    Chapter 15v5 - 19v10. Collapse;    The scene begins with the presence of God being exposed to the world and the subject matter is the collapse of the world system.  
  • Scene 7     -  Chapter 19v11 - 22v21  Consummation;       the scene begins with heaven itself being opened and Christ returns to earth with the armies of heaven to set up His kingdom and take us all through into the eternal state.  

Thus the book brings before us the unfolding drama of the end times.   In an orderly fashion the first revelation is of a crucified man who was here on earth now glorified in heaven; the final revelation is of that same man returning to this earth with all His followers to take over the world .   It is indeed a story of triumph, but also one of tragedy for those who fail to recognise the glory of Jesus Christ.   We have taken many steps through this remarkable book and we now come in this scene No. 6 to the awesome final expression of divine wrath.    We must remember that these are visions which John the apostle saw, they are not fairy tales.   We either believe them or we don't.   The consequences of not believing are obvious. 

Amazon bookshelf   George Neilly

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