Monday 3 October 2016


Another beast.                                          Revelation 13v11-18                              His mission

"And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and all that dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed."              Rev. 13v12.

He demonstrates the same powers as the beast, he sets on a global mission, by simulating the death and resurrection of Christ, in some kind of fake healing.
  • He exercises the same power, therefore he is equal in status; this is also true of the Holy Spirit in relation to Jesus. Sometimes we forget that the Holy Spirit is God. His invisible presence is no less real or less powerful. The apostle Peter, in charging the couple with "lying to the Holy Spirit" said in Acts 5v4 "....thou hast not lied unto men but unto God." The Spirit possesses all the attributes of the Godhead, just as in Christ resided "all the fullness of the Godhead"(Colossians 2v9). In a copycat reproduction Satan brings forth another of the same characteristics of the first beast.
  • He evangelises the world on behalf of the first beast using a mock death and resurrection scenario.   Not only does he persuade spiritual allegiance, but he commands whole devotion of life from all earth dwellers.   The Holy Spirit does the same for Christ today and will do in that future day.   Like Abraham's servant of old who traversed a foreign land in search of a bride for Isaac, so that Spirit seeks a bride for Christ.   His marvellous work is documented in scripture.   Jesus said in the upper room  "And when He is come He will reprove  (convict)  the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment," He goes on to explain "of sin because they believe not on me; of righteousness because I go unto my Father, of judgment because the prince of this world is judged."   John 16v8-11.   The scope of His operation is the world.   He is unlimited in His power and His ability to confront everyone with the facts, the truth of God.   He is the Spirit of truth, all else is a lie.   Like the wind He moves under Sovereign control covering the whole earth, confronting all individuals.   His message is clear and plain, sin is unbelief in Christ, being right with God  is acceptance of Christ's work; ultimate doom is to follow Satan.   His word of power and truth goes out to all people in all the world.   He uses many agencies; the bible, the best selling book in the world, the churches inspired by His grace, the people of God in every land, the heavens which declare the glory of God, the earth which provides for every need.   He strove with man way back in Noah's day, He still strives, "all day long, he stretches forth his hands".  (Romans 10v21)   Scripture records  "the gospel which you have heard, and which was preached to every creature under heaven."   (Colossians 1v23)   The first message in the spirit of the church age was to  "devout men of every nation."   (Acts 1v5).   (Romans 8v1) the apostle said to the Romans  "your faith is spoken of throughout the world."   The apostle John in chapter 2v2 said, recording the words of the spirit  "He is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the whole world."   Contrarywise in (Revelation 12v9) we have Satan  "deceiving the whole world."   Here in (Revelation 13) we have the agent that he uses to deceive the world.   He recruits by means of coercion, the Spirit by persuasion.
It says  " he causes the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast."  For man to worship someone on the same level, or even on a lower level is the height of folly.   To make a god of a man who is dependent on food and drink and air to breath like the rest of us is the ultimate insanity.   Our God who made us, who provides for us, maintains within us life and breath is to be worshipped.   The sad picture is at the end of time the entire world will give their devotion to a mere man.   It is the ultimate demeaning of mankind.   The world is being conditioned for it right now by the idolizing of the so called celebrities who are just human  beings like everyone else, who live and die just like everyone else.   It will be the greatest slavery ever experienced and the greatest deception of all those who are taken in by it.

Amazon bookshelf   George Neilly

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