Friday 23 June 2023

True joy


Chapter 15      Conforming

Joy which is Celestial       v1-11

Fruit which is Perpetual    v12-16a

Prayer which is Effectual  v16b-27

These real and wonderful benefits are the result of communion with, and conformity to Christ unfolded in these verses, details of which will emerge in the picture of the Vine.  

They were, possibly passing through a vineyard, for Gethsemane was so called as it was “the place of olive presses”, and Jesus makes full use of the object lesson, as they pass through.  He used everyday things to illustrate spiritual truth.  The figure of the vine was an apt way to introduce the truth of conformity, as the branches derived sustenance from the vine to produce fruit, just as disciples were to assimilate from Him that which produced spiritual fruit.  Each tree or plant only reproduces its own kind, and it is the same spiritually.  This brings them into the realm of responsibility, since, if the end product is to be achieved, then certain conditions must apply.  Consider the spiritual teaching of the vine.

I am the true vine, my Father is the husbandman.”

Why does anyone plant a vine?  Answer-to produce grapes that produce wine.  Psalm 104v13 “Wine that maketh glad the heart of man”; Judges 9v13 “New wine which cheers the heart of God and man”.  So wine symbolises that which brings joy and gladness to man.  This is the main teaching of the vine, Jesus is explaining to them what will bring joy and gladness.  Central to it is v11, which sums up the teaching,”… these things I have spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”  Jesus is saying to His disciples that what the vine is to man naturally, He is to them spiritually.  The secret of joy is to have His joy dwelling in them and flowing through them.  The Apostle John continues this theme in almost a copycat statement in 1st John 1v4, “These things I write unto you, that your joy may be full.”  The charge is sometimes made against Christians that they are kill-joys.  This need not be the case if we follow the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles.  Here we have the secret of true joy, and He makes it clear that if we are to experience real joy in our lives we must find His joy.  It is notable that He is speaking of joy just a few hours before the trauma of Calvary.  This joy is independent of external circumstances, which is the opposite of the worldview of joy.  The way to joy in spiritual life is to know and keep the Father’s commandments-compare 14v31 with 15v10.  The secret is in knowing and keeping the Father's commandments.  The Palmist says, “…in my presence is fullness of joy-16v11, but this is preceded by “…thou wilt show me the path of life.”  Fulness of joy comes from following the path of life which is the way of righteousness.  It does not mean the absence of troubles, it does mean the continued presence of God.   We might well ask, why did God create human beings? Why are we here on this earth? The ultimate reason is to bring forth fruit to the glory of God, a matter central to the teaching of Christianity.  

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