Wednesday 7 June 2023



Now is the judgment of this world; now shall the Prince of this world be cast out .”  Calvary forever judges the world system and the Prince who controls it.  The end is yet future, but the future was sealed at the cross.  The death-blow to the world and its prince was struck at Calvary.  The turning moment of history is about to happen. The Prince of this world is judged, Satan and all who follow him. “Through death He destroyed him that had the power of death-Hebrews 2v14. Having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a show off them openly, triumphing over them in it"-Colossians 2v15. The world system was dealt the death blow at Calvary.

“Lifted up” is an interesting description of the cross.  It was first described thus in 3v14 and repeated in 8v28.  It is a term which indicates exaltation, something not usually associated with crucifixion.  However it is the term used and refers back to the elevated pole in Numbers 21 which became the hope and the healing of a dying people.  Lifted up, not as a powerful sovereign, but as a passionate Saviour, to draw us to God from whom we have been alienated.  The word draw is literally to drag, for we all seek to resist the drawing power of a suffering Saviour.  None of us want to admit we are wrong; our pride prevents us from accepting Him readily; we prefer to gain life, rather than lose it as Jesus said, but He teaches us that the opposite is the case.  It is only when we see the eternal compensations which are greater than anything this world can give, especially a world which is now condemned by everything that He is.  It is only when we come, albeit unwillingly, we learn the beauty of the cross and its drawing power.  It was with a deep sense of anguish and loss that Jesus went to the cross to save our souls.  It will also be with a sense of loss that we follow Him; but the rewards are beyond any human description or imagination, and the compensations greater than the condemned world could ever give. 

The apathy in the hearts of the people      v37-50

“But though He had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on Him.”  The verses go on to speak of the mystery of unbelief.  The hardness of the human heart in the face of such overwhelming evidence is almost frightening; yet it is the sad reality of life. The Bible says it as it is-does not cover up the truth.  Within the breast of every human being there is a propensity to reject the truth of God, no matter how glorious or how gracious His approach to them is.  They have seen the evidence, they have heard His word, but they did not believe.  This sad state of affairs was predicted in Holy writ, in Isaiah chapters 6 and 53 from which he quotes.  This brings to us another perspective altogether, that of Divine judicial hardening, which is the subject matter of these portions of scripture.  He says, first of all that they did not believe, but now he reveals “they could not believe”.  He deals first with the fact they did not believe from Isaiah 53v1 “Who hath believed our report, and to whom is the arm of the Lord been revealed?”  This is the prediction that the nation at large would not believe on the Divine Servant.  Next he says they could not believe and cites Isaiah 6 which predicts the reason, that of Divine hardening; “He hath blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart and be converted, and I should heal them.”  This was because of persistent rejection, God will not forever plead with man, there comes a time when human hardness toward God will result in Divine hardness toward men, and this was the case with infidel Israel at large.   Indeed it is still true to this day, as Paul reveals sorrowfully in Romans 11v25 the mystery of the hardening of Israel “For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery lest ye should be wise in your own conceits, that blindness (hardness) in part has happened unto Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in”.  He also warns the privileged Gentiles that they must not be highminded but fear.  Persistent rejection of God is a solemn matter and may result in judicial action.  Salvation for mankind is at the pleasure of God, and is based on His mercy, not on what we deserve.  It is this, and this alone which proclaims the glory of God, as it says in verse 41 “These things spake Isaiah when He saw His glory, and spake of Him.”  Isaiah was shocked, as we might be when we consider this awesome truth, and asked in the wake of this in Isaiah 6v11, “Then said I, Lord how long?  And He answered until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the house without man, and the land be utterly desolate, and the Lord have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land.”  The script goes on to reveal that one tenth of the nation will respond during this time of barrenness and they would constitute the holy seed.   The majority would be hardened.  It is a fearful thing to turn away from Divine light.

As if to underline the principle of the remnant, and also to balance things out, he goes on to speak of those who did believe.  In His governmental dealings with the world, God never completely closes the door and always leaves room for those who will respond to Him.  The writer now recalls those who did believe, even amongst the rulers of the people.

“Nevertheless among the chief rulers, also many believed on him.  But, because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue.  For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.”   Scripture just says it as it is, that there were many amongst the rulers who believed in Him, but because of their position, they were afraid to confess Him.   Not only does it say what they did, but the motivation for what they did, because within their heart was the desire to please men rather than God.   It is difficult to know whether their belief is true, especially when later actions and attitudes seem to deny that belief.  Jesus therefore addresses this situation by defining the issues of true and false belief.  It is not a mental assent to facts but a heart devotion to a person, and that person is God.

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