Friday 16 June 2023

Peter's confusion

 Simon Peter is confronted with his failure   v36-38

Simon Peter was the most forward of all the disciples, an extrovert who always spoke his mind and, oftentimes said the wrong thing at the wrong time.  When others were silent he would ask what everyone else was thinking.   Rarely did he get the answer he was looking for.   “Where are you going, Lord?” He says.  Jesus answered, where I am going you cannot come with me now, but you will follow me afterwards.  Sensing something ominous was about to happen, Peter said, Why can’t I follow you now? Because. I'm ready to lay down my life for your sake.  There is no doubting his sincerity, but he underestimated his weakness.  None of us like to admit weakness- all of us prefer to overstate our ability for the sake of public image, even if the claims are unachievable.   Jesus said, will you lay down your life for my sake?  Verily, verily, here is the truth Peter; the cock shall not crow until thou hast denied me thrice.   For the first time Peter was lost for words, and a few hours later Peter denied his Lord in public in the face of mortal danger.   Given the gravity of the situation, what would we have done?


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