Monday 19 June 2023

The way to heaven


Answer to Thomas’s question     v5-7  “Thomas saith unto Him, Lord we know not whether thou goest and how can we know the way?   The answer Jesus gives is profound.  Evidently, the mention of the Father's house just didn't do it for them.  It is right we ask questions if we don't understand Divine things.  They did not know the final destination and so could not know the way to it.  The answer was before their very eyes.  Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one cometh to the Father but by me.”

I am the way…He is speaking of the way to Heaven, but more than that, to a glorious person-the Father Himself.  Heaven is God’s dwelling place, but God is the very essence of heaven.   In Revelation 21, before the wonders of the city are expounded, the presence of God with His people is established.  The place is wonderful, the person is even more wonderful.   I am the way”-we can be saved; “I am the truth”-we can be sure; “I am the life”-we can be satisfied.  Christ is all three; He is the only way to God; He is the truth we can depend upon; He is the life, the essence of eternal life, which He later defines as knowing God-17v3.  No one comes to the Father any other way but through Him.  Peter, later, will say to the rulers of Israel, “Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given amongst men, whereby we must be saved”-Acts 4v12.  He is the exclusive way to the Father; He is the exclusive truth, against which all else is a lie; He is the one who is the life and dispenses life as it was meant to be-the life of God, life in harmony and enjoyment of God.  1st Timothy 2v5 “There is one God, and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus…”.  One way…one truth…leading to the only life worth the name!  The way of salvation is in a person; the ultimate destination is to be with a person, the Father-the origin of all things, the object of all things, the horizon of all things.  Access to all this is through the Son, and no one else. 

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