Saturday 17 June 2023

Comfort for troubled hearts


Chapter 14     Comforting

The details of the chapter are best understood as a series of questions and answers between Jesus and His disciples.

Verses 1-4  A question from Simon Peter as carried over from chapter 13v36-38   “Lord whither goest thou?”

Verses 5-7  A question from Thomas as to how we can follow Him

Verses 8-21 A question from Philip asking Him to shew the Father

Verses 22-31  A question from Judas (not Iscariot) as to why He will manifest Himself to them, and not to the world.

It is in understanding these questions and answers that we learn much spiritual truth.  Jesus is going away, He has been with them for more than 3 years, and they are evidently troubled by this and need comforting.  Suddenly the disciples must become the teachers; the students must become the leaders, and anxiety takes over.  The chapter begins and ends with an appeal not to be troubled-v1&v27.  The word trouble is the Greek tarasso which means to stir or to agitate.  The same word is used in Matthew 2v3 where the whole of Jerusalem was troubled by the visit of the Magi; Luke 1v12-Zechariah troubled at the appearance of an angel; John 5v4 the stirring of the waters at the pool of Siloam; John11v33 Jesus troubled at the grave of Lazarus; John 12v27 Jesus troubled by the prospect of Calvary; John 13v21. Jesus troubled at the defection of Judas.  So what is here is real anxiety, real disturbance of mind.   What with the defection of Judas from their number, the departure of Jesus, and the denial of Peter, it is hardly surprising they were troubled.  The whole discussion and dialogue is to put their minds at rest.  This is the ministry of comfort and consolation from the Master Himself.  In order to underpin this, there are definite themes in the verses:

·      We have faith in His person which leads to credibility     v1, v6, v7, v9, v10.

·      We have hope in His promises which brings certainty   v3, v12, v16, v23, v26, v28.

·      We have strength in His power which brings conviction    v16, v18, v26.

·      We have fellowship in His presence which leads to comfort,   v18, v21, v23.

And only in a few hours things were going to change. The sun was about to set on their whole world, as they knew it.  Their faith would be tested to the limit.  They would need every vestige of Divine support. 

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