Thursday 8 June 2023

Love pervading


13-17 The Deity of Christ discussed in private

This commences a whole new section in the gospel of John.  Jesus no longer addresses the public at large, only His disciples.   He is preparing them for future service.   These chapters have been described as “The upper room ministry”, yet it seems that chapters 15-17 take place outside-refer14v31 with 18v1. 

Chapters 1-17 can be divided into three sections:

·      1-7     the word “life” occurs 37 times

·      8-12   the word “light” occurs 13 times

·      13-17 the word “love” occurs 33 times

John’s threefold presentation of Christ is that He has come to reveal Divine life, and light, and love, and in that specific order.  We can trace a similar pattern in His epistles.  We need the life of God, the light of God and the love of God.  The predominant thought in these chapters is of Divine love.  Indeed that is how the section begins-13v1, and ends-17v26.  It is important to grasp this, that the revelation of God in Christ comes to us in these three forms.  We can know nothing of God without Divine life; we require the light of God within; we need the love of God to function for Him on this earth.  Christ is all three for us, He is the life of God, the light of God, and the love of God, to every believer.  Thus we could describe this portion as “the circle of God’s love”.  We see:

  the love of the Father for the Son-15v9; 17v23, v24, v26                    the love of the Son for the Father-14v31; 15v10                                 the love of the Father for His children-14v21; 17v23                         the love of the Son for His own-13v1; 14v21, 15v9                            the love of the disciples for the Lord-14v21, v23, v28;15v10,13              the love of believers for each other-13v34; 14v13; 15v12, v17

Christ was on a mission, the time of fulfilment was upon them and the emphasis is on love, the love of God pervading all our lives.


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