Friday 30 June 2023

The Conflict


Chapter 16      Overcoming

Jesus continues His teaching on the Christian and the world.  We have seen the Christian and Christ as pictured in the vine (15v1-8); the Christian in the Church (15v9-17); the Christian and the World (15v18-27).  In the latter section He spoke of the character of the world, in which Christianity would develop, as being hostile in mind to God and His people.  Now in chapter 16 He elaborates on the conditions that will prevail as Christianity grows.  

What to expect from the hostile world    v1-6   The hatred of the world to God and His people would, at times, be very severe and He prepares them for it.  They are about to learn just how severe in His own suffering for them, which commenced in just a few hours.  They were not to expect any different treatment.

“These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended.” 

Such will be the severity of the situation, they will excommunicate you from the synagogues, and they will even kill you, believing that thus they are serving God.  Religious fanaticism will be the order of the day, and history is replete with such atrocities to this present day.  They will do this out of blind ignorance of the Father.  To be forewarned is to be forearmed.  Alienation and persecution in the world will be the order of things.  I have waited until now to tell you these things, for the time is near.  In the beginning you were not ready to receive this, but now you know what to expect. 

“But now I go my way to Him that sent me, and none of you asketh me Whither goest thou?  But because I have said these things unto you sorrow hath filled your heart.”  Suddenly despair had descended on the little group, what with the treachery of Judas, and the stated departure of Jesus, and the prediction of suffering, these disciples were somewhat disillusioned.  It is the way of God, only to reveal to us things on a “need to know” basis, and this way it is easier to accept.

Thursday 29 June 2023

My witnesses


v18-27    Our responsibility to the world  

My witnesses      From the saints we should experience love; from the world we will experience hatred.  In this context He appeals that we might shew patience and understanding, to become witnesses to the hateful world of a Divine love that can save them.  The word for witness is martur from which we derive the English word martyr which suggests the extreme possibility of loss of life due to witnessing.

“If the world hate you, ye  know that it hated me before it hated you.  If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world therefor the world hateth you.  Remember the word that I said unto you the servant is not greater than his Lord.  If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.  But all these things will they do unto you from my name’s sake.  Because they know not Him that sent me.  If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin; but now they have no cloak for their sin.  He that hateth me hateth my Father also.  If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin; but now they have both seen and hated both me and my Father.  But this comes to pass that the word may be fulfilled, that it is written in their law-“they hated me without a cause.”  But when the Comforter is come, whom I shall send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth which proceedeth from the Father, He shall testify of me.  And ye also shall bear witness, because ye had been with me from the beginning.”

This portion hardly needs any comment being self-interpreting, but we can note the various aspects as we go down the verses:

·      The world’s attitude to you will be the same as it was for me, that of hatred.

·      This is because you are not of the world which is in opposition to God-the world loves its own, you are different.  This is a truth John develops in his writings.

·      In the language of the hymn, “…it is the way the Master went, should not the servant tread it still?”

·      The world is ignorant of Him that sent me.

·      The world rejected my words and now they are exposed.

·      They also rejected my works, when evidence was placed before them.  Their sin is manifest.  It was never because they did not understand, it was because they did not love us, they didn’t want to know.

·      This is simply a fulfilment of what was predicted-citation from Psalm 35v19 and 69v4.

·      You will receive help when the Comforter is come, one just like me who will accompany you in testimony to the world. 

This is the second reference to the coming of the Divine Spirit; the first was to reveal His companionship with the disciples; this one focuses on His testimony to the world-a matter that will be developed in the next chapter.

Tuesday 27 June 2023

My friends


v9-17 Our responsibility to each other    

As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you; continue ye in my love.”  He repeats the threefold cord that is not easily broken; the Father, the Son, and the disciples, and this intimate communion enables the reproduction of the life of Christ in us. The environment in which this takes place is that of love, Divine love, which is shared between us all. This love, which is “out of this world”, is to be practical toward one another and is the subject matter of these verses.   The section begins and ends with love.  The love of the Father for the Son; the love of the Son for the disciples; the love of the disciples for the Father and the Son, and for each other.  Twice, He commands that they love one another-v12 and v17.   Love to the Father is expressed in the display of love to each other.  John writes in his 1st epistle chapter 4v20 “…he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?”  Again, He deepens the intimacy of their relationship in this portion.  In the previous verses He addressed them as “my disciples”; now He calls them “my friends”.  As disciples we have a duty of love; as friends we have devotion of love, which is a step further. 

He speaks firstly of a love that is beyond all other, the love between the Father and the Son.  It is that kind of love we are to develop with one another. “If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love”.  In the section He speaks of “my love”, “my joy”, and “my friends”.  The three things are connected: His relationship to them as friends, enables them to demonstrate His love and to experience His joy.  It is a joy that is independent of circumstances, as is evident here, since in a few hours He will suffer the trauma of Calvary, yet He speaks of His joy.  This is deep seated joy that nothing can alter, the joy of doing His Father’s will.  It is that same joy we will find when we do His will, when we obey His commandments without question. 

He commands that we love one another, with the same love that exists between the Father and the Son, this is Divine love.    He now defines the greatest expression of human love- “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends: ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.”  He is speaking of the kind of love exhibited in the Godhead, and the greatest love known in humanity.  He was about to lay down His life for His disciples, who were His friends, and it is this quality of love, sacrificial love, heavenly love, that we should develop between each other. 

Henceforth I call you not servants: for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth; but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.”  Friends are those with whom secrets are shared and He has shared intimate secrets with them.  Not now mere servants, but friends of the Lord!  Few people have known such a close partnership with God.  It was said of Abraham that “He was the friend of God”.  Good to have friends, what absolute distinction to be the friend of the Almighty! 

Abraham was called the friend of God-James 2v23; 2nd Chronicles 20v7; Isaiah 41v8.  He obeyed God without reserve or question and acted upon His word.

Moses was called the friend of God-Exodus 33v11; Numbers 12v8; Deuteronomy 34v10.  He spoke with God face to face.

The apostles were called the friends of Jesus-John 15v14-15.  They were loyal to Him in life and spread His word in testimony.  They were loyal to Him even unto martyrdom. 

Got defines friendship as follows:  “Friendship is a reciprocal relationship between two people who share a bond of mutual affection.”  This is expressed in knowing and understanding each other; in shared interests; in spending time together; in exchange of intimate secrets.  To be sharing intimate secrets with the Sovereign of the universe is the highest privilege anyone can be given.  This is our responsibility toward each other.  He says;

“Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain, that whatsoever, ye shall ask the Father in my name, He may give it to you. These things I command you that ye love one another.”

Apparently, it was normal practice for students of religion to choose their own masters (Rabbis), according to how they saw themselves.  Jesus, here is reversing that practice, for He has no rival; in Divine things, He has no equal.  He reminds them of the privilege granted to them of intimate knowledge of high and holy things.  He has spoken of choosing them before in this gospel- 6v70;13v18, and is a reminder to us that we have been the subject of gracious election.  As John says later “We love Him, because He first loved us”-1st John 4v10.  It was God who made the move toward us, for in our fallen state we were unable to seek Him.  Associated with Divine choice is ordination, predestination, which is always to a service, rather than merely to a status.  We were destined to go forth and produce fruit that would remain.  We have been chosen as His friends, that we might be fruitful for Him in this world.  We were helpless, and hopeless, and useless, before God in mercy moved toward us.  Now we are reconciled, and have a hope beyond this life, and we are now useful to God to bear fruit that lasts for His glory.

Monday 26 June 2023

My disciples


The indispensability of Christ in our spiritual life.         The whole business of fruit bearing is the reproduction of the life of Christ in ours.  Thus we shall become fruitful, but only as we abide in Him.  A picture can speak a thousand words, and this one is graphic from nature, that it is only in close and constant contact with the vine we can produce fruit.  The word “abide”, which, as we have said, is repeated many times in the verses, is to dwell, to live beside, to tarry long in the company of.  It simply means Christ supplies the fruit-bearing characteristics.  It has been said that we Christians live with men and visit God; we must learn to live with God and visit men.  It is generally known that the longer we live with someone, the more like them we become, and this is true in the Christian life.  By remaining close to Christ we become more like Him, we reproduce His character within.

However the opposite is also true: He says, using the emphatic “not”, if a professing believer fails to maintain close ties with Him, as in nature, the vine will expel him, Christ will not persist with those who bear no fruit, and they will be ejected from the communion.  There are always “hangers-on” in spiritual life, as there are in natural growth.  Some examples of this are: Judas Iscariot who kept aloof from Christ, while attaching himself to Him and was rejected; the people who went “AWOL” from the church at Ephesus-1st John 2v19, of these it was said “if they had been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us”.  How many today make a profession of faith, and do not continue?  The evidence of true faith is to continue, and forge close links with Christ in daily life. This verse is very solemn and emphatic in its language—cast forth, withered, gathered, cast into the fire, burned.  The meaning of this, is of false professors who were (and are) attached to the people of God-this is evident from the phrase “cast forth as a branch”, there was never any reality.  This is the worst possible scenario; there are those who are unprofitable to God, yet fraternise with His people. Such are described in Hebrews 6v4-8, who have received Divine enlightenment, but have turned away to destruction.  The wording here is akin to the contents of Ezekiel 15, when the Lord said of those posing as true people, that they were useless for anything.  It is solemn, salutary, language, but the warning must be heeded. 

In the matter of fruit bearing it is an imperative necessity to keep close to Christ for, as He said, “Without me (apart from me-detached from me) ye can do nothing.”  He says “If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you.  In the N/T epistles there are two thoughts developed-that of being “in Christ”, and the experience of “Christ in you”.  The one is positional and doctrinal, the other is practical and experiential.   Abiding in Him is defined as His words abiding in us in v7.  He will depart from them, shortly, and so to abide in Him is to absorb His words, His sayings, His wisdom, His instructions, His utterances, His judgments, written down for us in the Spirit-inspired word.  Living in the good of our position in Christ, we will experience the blessing of Christ living in us.  When that is the case, there is a two-way fellowship, resulting in gracious gifts given to men, and glory to God.  He says “Herein is my Father glorified that ye bear much fruit.  So shall ye be my disciples.” 

The gospel of John is replete with the thought of the glory of God, which is the chief aim of men, according to the Westminster confession.

1v14 the glory of God in the perfect life of Christ; 2v14 the glory of God in the miracle at Cana of Galilee; 11v4/5 the glory of God in the raising of Lazarus from the dead; 12v28 the glory of God in the devotion of Christ; 12v41 the pre-incarnate glory of God; 13v31 the glory of God at the expulsion of evil; 14v13 the glory of God in the prayers of the saints; 15v8 the glory of the Father in the fruit of the disciples; 17v1 the glory of God in the finished work of Christ; 17v5 the eternal glory of God; 21v9 the glory of God in the death of His saints. 

Glory is doxa, which is value, worth, praiseworthiness, worship.  In all these God is glorified and vindicated in the wonder of His being.  This is the highest aspect of the revelation of God.  It is particularly satisfying to know that fruit in our lives redounds to the glory of God. 

Sunday 25 June 2023



The work of the Father in fruitbearing

“Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, He taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.  Abide in me and I in you; as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye except ye abide in me.   I am the vine, ye are the branches.  He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit.  For without me ye can do nothing.”


“Every branch in me which beareth not fruit…”.  This sets the context from the start; no one can be in Christ, and not have a relationship with Him.  The issue here is not union but communion, and the need to abide in Him.  This is made clear in v4, where He is speaking of those in relationship to Him-“Now ye are clean, through the word I have spoken unto you.”  The thought here is not of false profession, but of progressive sanctification.  The word for “taketh away” is airo and for “purgesis kathairo, so the two are closely linked.  This word has been translated as cut, or taken away in John 15v2, but look at how this word is translated elsewhere in the New Testament:  Mark 16v18 – They will pick up serpents…; Luke 5v24– I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go…; Luke 17v13– And they lifted up their voices and said…; John 5v8– Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk”; John 11v41– And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said…; Acts 4v24– And when they heard this, they lifted their voices to God with one accord”; Rev. 10v5– The angel … lifted up his right hand to heaven.”  The predominant usage of the word therefore points to lifting up, in the sense of support, which is something vinedressers do regularly, to enable the branches to gain maximum sustenance.   

The entire context supports this view, since the emphasis is on abiding in Christ, which is repeated 11 times in different forms in the verses-abide, v4 (3 times); v5; v6; v7 (twice); v10 (twice); continue, v10; remain, v11.   As in nature the vinedresser will prop up and support those branches which are lagging behind, whether for lack of exposure to sunlight or some other problem, so the heavenly husbandman tends to us spiritually.  Those branches which do produce fruit, He purges, cleanses by removing things which hamper growth.  There is a programme of cleansing going on with the purpose of maximising fruit.  Scripture indicates the Father’s involvement in our lives, where it speaks of chastening and scourging in the lives of believers, as a means to producing more fruit-refer Hebrews 12v6-12.  The purpose is firstly to confirm the reality of new life, the second is to improve the quality of that life-the section ends with “yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness to them who are exercised thereby.”  The Father is engaged in this most important work in the lives of His people, and Christ Himself is the vine from whom we derive the fruit.  Paul said in Philippians 2v13 “It is God that worketh in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” 

Friday 23 June 2023

The true vine


The chapter can be divided into three portions:

Verses 1-8      Responsibility to Christ.    The main thought is “my disciples”; the commandment is “abide in me”-v4v7v9

Verses 9-17    Responsibility to each other.   The main thought is “my friends”, the commandment to “love one another” v12v17

Verses 18-27  Responsibility to the world.   The main thought is that we are “witnesses” and the commandment is to testify of Christ-v27


v1-8   Responsibility to Christ.

The picture is very graphic, “I am the true vine, ye are the branches”.   The purpose of the vine is to produce fruit.  In these verses there is a progression of thought concerning fruit: No fruit, fruit, more fruit, much fruit.  What is fruit?  It is the produce of the natural flow from the vine to the branches.  In Christian terms, it is the reproduction of Christ in my life.  The fruit of the Spirit is defined for us in Galatians 5v22-23, where, following 18 features of the works of the flesh-produce of a life detached from God, are listed 9 features of the fruit of the Spirit-produce of fellowship with God.  We have here a very graphic picture of a vineyard, the branches, the husbandman and the fruit.

Christ is the true vine.  This can be understood in a number of ways; “true” can refer to the spiritual counterpart of the natural.  This is a common biblical term and is used to compare the material with the spiritual.  It can also refer to that which is real as opposed to the false.  Blue letter bible defines as follows; “…that which has not only the name and resemblance, but the real nature corresponding to the name, in every respect corresponding to the idea signified by the name, real, true, genuine.

 A.   opposite to what is fictitious, counterfeit, imaginary, simulated or pretended.                                                                                           B.   it contrasts realities with their semblance.                                   C.   opposite to what is imperfect defective, frail, uncertain

Examples are: John 1v9-the true light; 4v23-the true worshippers; 6v32-true bread from heaven; 15v1-the true vine; 17v3 “the only true God”.  Elsewhere we read of “true riches”-Luke 16v11; Hebrews 8v2 “the true tabernacle”; Revelation 3v14 “the true witness”. 

Christ is the true vine; in contrast to the false vine of Israel as depicted in the Old Testament.  In Isaiah 5 the vine, which was the house of Israel, produced wild grapes; in Hosea 10v1-2, it was an empty vine, producing no fruit at all.  Christ is the true vine as opposed to the false vine of Israel, which first produced toxic fruit, then no fruit at all.  Real fruit for God will be produced in abundance by the disciples of Christ, as they abide in Him. 

Christ is the vine, the disciples are the branches; the Father is the husbandman who tends to the branches.  The purpose is to produce spiritual fruit for the glory of God.  We, as disciples, exist to produce fruit and there is a process of adjustment to that end.  This is pruning in order to maximise fruit production, just as an earthly vineyard keeper would. 

True joy


Chapter 15      Conforming

Joy which is Celestial       v1-11

Fruit which is Perpetual    v12-16a

Prayer which is Effectual  v16b-27

These real and wonderful benefits are the result of communion with, and conformity to Christ unfolded in these verses, details of which will emerge in the picture of the Vine.  

They were, possibly passing through a vineyard, for Gethsemane was so called as it was “the place of olive presses”, and Jesus makes full use of the object lesson, as they pass through.  He used everyday things to illustrate spiritual truth.  The figure of the vine was an apt way to introduce the truth of conformity, as the branches derived sustenance from the vine to produce fruit, just as disciples were to assimilate from Him that which produced spiritual fruit.  Each tree or plant only reproduces its own kind, and it is the same spiritually.  This brings them into the realm of responsibility, since, if the end product is to be achieved, then certain conditions must apply.  Consider the spiritual teaching of the vine.

I am the true vine, my Father is the husbandman.”

Why does anyone plant a vine?  Answer-to produce grapes that produce wine.  Psalm 104v13 “Wine that maketh glad the heart of man”; Judges 9v13 “New wine which cheers the heart of God and man”.  So wine symbolises that which brings joy and gladness to man.  This is the main teaching of the vine, Jesus is explaining to them what will bring joy and gladness.  Central to it is v11, which sums up the teaching,”… these things I have spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”  Jesus is saying to His disciples that what the vine is to man naturally, He is to them spiritually.  The secret of joy is to have His joy dwelling in them and flowing through them.  The Apostle John continues this theme in almost a copycat statement in 1st John 1v4, “These things I write unto you, that your joy may be full.”  The charge is sometimes made against Christians that they are kill-joys.  This need not be the case if we follow the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles.  Here we have the secret of true joy, and He makes it clear that if we are to experience real joy in our lives we must find His joy.  It is notable that He is speaking of joy just a few hours before the trauma of Calvary.  This joy is independent of external circumstances, which is the opposite of the worldview of joy.  The way to joy in spiritual life is to know and keep the Father’s commandments-compare 14v31 with 15v10.  The secret is in knowing and keeping the Father's commandments.  The Palmist says, “…in my presence is fullness of joy-16v11, but this is preceded by “…thou wilt show me the path of life.”  Fulness of joy comes from following the path of life which is the way of righteousness.  It does not mean the absence of troubles, it does mean the continued presence of God.   We might well ask, why did God create human beings? Why are we here on this earth? The ultimate reason is to bring forth fruit to the glory of God, a matter central to the teaching of Christianity.  

Thursday 22 June 2023

Divine manifestation


The question of Judas, the son of James    v22-31

“Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?”  Judas was one of the unknown among the apostles.  In all the lists of Jesus’ disciples, he always comes well down the scale.  And in fact, this is the first time we have heard anything from him. Yet in this question he demonstrates an understanding beyond the rest of the Apostles.  Peter was confused, Thomas doubted, and Phillip was bemused.  Judas, he asked the only real question which showed understanding of the situation.  He does not say why will they manifest themselves to us and not to the world? He says how? Jesus  recognised the wisdom of the question, and in answering brings us even closer to the wonderful truth.  Just as God, in olden times, manifested Himself to His servants, so Christ will manifest Himself to His disciples in His absence.  The answer of Jesus is sublime; He says “…if a man loves me, He will keep my words and my Father will love him, and we will come to Him and make our abode with him.”   God is moving in with you, coming into your home, joining with you in your life.  He says, we will reveal ourselves to you, in ways that the world would not understand.  However it is conditional on your love for us, that we have your affection, that we are priority for you.  Those that love me not don’t keep my sayings.  To love us is to obey us, to keep my sayings.  New life is never seen in terms of profession, but in terms of real practical living.  The words Jesus spoke were not His, but the Fathers’ who sent Him. “These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you but the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, Him the Father will send in my name; He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Peace, I leave with you; my peace. I give unto you, not as the world giveth, give I unto you.   Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid”.  

Judas understood there was going to be some kind of spiritual revelation by the Holy Spirit who is coming to be with us.  This answered his question; however, he also understood the whole process was conditional on obedience to the word, and on keeping His sayings.  God does not reveal himself to those who are opposing him, even by just ignoring Him.  Ye have heard how I have said unto you, I go away and come again unto you.  If ye loved me, ye would rejoice because I go to my Father.  For my Father is greater than I.”  If you really love me, you'll be pleased for me, because I'm going back home.  I am telling you now before it comes, so that when the time of my departure comes, ye might believe.  It is repeated in scripture that God pre-warns His people of impending and important events.   Hereafter I will not talk much with you, for the Prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me”-all His concentration now must be on the task before Him in which there will be major demonic activity.  This would be part of His soul suffering as He warded off the attacks of Satan to veer Him away from duty to His Father.  This unseen battle would rage from now on, and His time for teaching was almost over.  Now He must finish the work, and the Prince of this world shall have no response from Him.  But that the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave me commandment, even so do I, arise, let us go hence.”  There is to be no recovery for the Prince of this world, but there is hope for the world’s people.  So that they know His devotion is to His Father, He demonstrates love for His Father by obeying His commandments.  That particular commandment was to proceed to the cross with all its shame and suffering, and nothing now would hinder His progress, not even Satan.  Thus the upper Room ministry came to an end, although His teaching will continue as they walk outside through the vineyards, and eventually into the garden where they arrested Him.

Wednesday 21 June 2023

Divinely enabled to greatness


This intimacy can be the portion of all servants    v12-21   He goes on to show him that this essential unity between the Father and the Son can be the same essential unity between the Son and His disciples.  He makes an astonishing statement:

Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth in me, the works that I do shall he do also: and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my Father.”

Staggering as it may seem, the reality was that these men did perform great works, after His departure.  Hebrews 2v4 records “God also bearing them witness with signs and wonders, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His will.”  History has borne out Jesus’ prediction.  He went on to say “…and greater works shall ye do…”; no doubt this is a reference to the miraculous conversion of souls, which took place in the thousands under their stewardship.  Within just over 30 years these men led a global mission which established Christianity as the greatest power on earth.  They did it under the assistance of the Divine Spirit who was unlimited in time and space and power.

Jesus proceeds to reveal exactly how this could be accomplished, and, it is the same for us today.

Prayer in His name-v13-14; Obedience to His word-v15; Fellowship with the Spirit ,and the Son, and the Father-v16-21.

Prayer in His name  v13-14      They will not be cut off, the lines of communication will be open.  “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If ye shall ask anything in my name. I will do it.”  

This is not “carte blanche” to ask anything of a selfish nature, but an invitation to ask IN HIS NAME, that is commensurate with His character, and, crucially, that which glorifies the Father.  Such prayers will be answered in agreement between the Father and the Son, who, always act in unison.  This godly, believing prayer, will always bring a Divine response, backed up with Divine resources. 

Obedience to His word   v15    “If ye love me keep my commandments.”   This is a two way process; if He loves us to hear and answer our prayers, it is fitting that we demonstrate our love to Him by honouring His authority in our lives.  Central to His commandments is the thought of love…heart devotion, rather than ritualistic adherence.   When Jesus summed up the Divine law given to Israel to reflect the Divine character, He put it in terms of love to the Lord as priority, and love to our neighbour as a consequence of that.  Now He adds a new dimension, to love one another, as the disciples of Christ.  This was a new commandment and is the very essence of Christianity, as He expounded in chapter 13v34-35.  There is little point in prayer, in seeking petition of one whom we are not prepared to obey.  As the hymn puts it “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey”.  It is the combination of prayer-dependency with heart-obedience that brings the blessing down.

Fellowship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit  v16-21

We can share in the intimacy with Divine beings with Divine help.

“And I will pray the Father and He shall give you another Comforter that He may abide with you forever.  Even the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him.  But ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. And I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you.  Yet a little while and the world seeth me no more, but ye see me.  Because I live, ye shall live also.  At that day ye shall know that I am in the Father, and ye in me and I in you. He that hath my commandments, and keep them he it is that loveth me. And he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him and will manifest myself to him.”

Such soothing words of comfort to calm the troubled hearts of these disciples, even as He announces He is leaving them to go back to heaven. In a sense what he is saying is He will not, actually leave them-He says, I will not leave you orphans, I will come to you, I will not abandon you to your own resources.  This He will do by sending the Holy Spirit, His fellow, His equal, who will abide with them forever, that is He will walk with them on life’s journey.  Also He will be in them as a sanctifying power and comforting consolation.  He calls him another Comforter-another of the same kind, He is just the same in holiness, and power, and grace, and compassion- with one difference, He will be with you forever, He will be your companion, and He is unlimited in time and space. The word for comforter is Paraclete- one who draws alongside to help, who works with us and empowers us for the everyday struggle.  It will, he says. In a spiritual sense, be just like I have never left you.   In that day of the Spirit, you will know, more clearly, my close relationship with the Father.  You will be empowered to keep my commandments, in a way you could not do before.  You will be the beneficiaries of a special Divine love of the Father, and of myself, and as a true lover I will manifest myself to you.

Monday 19 June 2023

Hast thou not known me?


Philip still has a question     v8-21

The intimacy of the Father and the Son   v8-11

They had been three years in his company.  They had witnessed things, marvellous things, which proclaimed that He was more than a man, that He was in fact God in human flesh.  Yet they still did not really know Him, and Phillip is expressing this fact.  He said, “Shew us the Father and it sufficeth us.”   He requested a theophany, an appearance of God, just as Moses did back in the days of the Exodus when he asked to see God’s glory-Exodus 24v9-10, and 33v18.  Jesus answers this at length, first of all with a slight rebuke, “Have I been so long time with you yet thou hast not known me, Phillip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father, and how sayest thou then, show us the Father?  Believest thou not, that I am in the Father and the Father in me?  The words that I speak unto you, I speak not of myself, but the Father, that dwelleth in me, He doeth the works.  Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me, or else believe me for the very work’s sake.  .”

Jesus answers Phillip question by referring to His essential unity with the Father.  The Father and I are one and the same; in seeing me you have seen the Father He refers.  We really have to grasp this, that in every sense the Father and Son are one.  This is denied today by most world religions, including some pseudo-evangelical groups, a fact which differentiates between real and false Christianity.  John will make this clear in his epistle-1st John 2v22-23 “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?  He is antichrist which denieth the Father and the Son; again 2nd John v9 “Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God.  He abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.”  The words that He spoke were the Fathers’ words-v10 “I speak not of myself, but the Father that dwelleth in me…  Chapter 3v34 “He that God hath sent speaketh the words of God”; Chapter 7v16 “My doctrine is not mine, but His that sent me”; Chapter 8v28 “As my Father hath taught me, I speak these things”.  He goes on to speak about the works-in scripture words and works are close partners, we are not to be talking without walking, and God Himself is the supreme example; when He speaks, He acts.  And so it says “ My Father ….doeth the works.” My father sent me He did the works; if you will not believe my words, believe me for the very works sake.  He has said this all the way through. Chapter 5v20 “The Father showeth Him all things that He doeth”; chapter 5v30 “I can of mine own self do nothing”; chapter 5v36 “The works which my Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me that the Father hath sent me.”  This is an unbreakable, and essential unity in thought, in deed and in action, which culminates in the perfection of a work conceived in eternity, and accomplished in time upon the earth.  In essence, His answer to Philip can be summarised as follows;

He is the same essence with the Father-v9; He is the same expression of the Father-v10; He demonstrates the same energy as the Father-v10/11

The way to heaven


Answer to Thomas’s question     v5-7  “Thomas saith unto Him, Lord we know not whether thou goest and how can we know the way?   The answer Jesus gives is profound.  Evidently, the mention of the Father's house just didn't do it for them.  It is right we ask questions if we don't understand Divine things.  They did not know the final destination and so could not know the way to it.  The answer was before their very eyes.  Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one cometh to the Father but by me.”

I am the way…He is speaking of the way to Heaven, but more than that, to a glorious person-the Father Himself.  Heaven is God’s dwelling place, but God is the very essence of heaven.   In Revelation 21, before the wonders of the city are expounded, the presence of God with His people is established.  The place is wonderful, the person is even more wonderful.   I am the way”-we can be saved; “I am the truth”-we can be sure; “I am the life”-we can be satisfied.  Christ is all three; He is the only way to God; He is the truth we can depend upon; He is the life, the essence of eternal life, which He later defines as knowing God-17v3.  No one comes to the Father any other way but through Him.  Peter, later, will say to the rulers of Israel, “Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given amongst men, whereby we must be saved”-Acts 4v12.  He is the exclusive way to the Father; He is the exclusive truth, against which all else is a lie; He is the one who is the life and dispenses life as it was meant to be-the life of God, life in harmony and enjoyment of God.  1st Timothy 2v5 “There is one God, and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus…”.  One way…one truth…leading to the only life worth the name!  The way of salvation is in a person; the ultimate destination is to be with a person, the Father-the origin of all things, the object of all things, the horizon of all things.  Access to all this is through the Son, and no one else. 

Sunday 18 June 2023

I will come again


Jesus answers Simon Peter    v1-4 (from chapter 13v36-38)

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.  In my Father’s house are many mansions.  If it were not so I would have told you; I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also.  And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.”

The answer is short and sweet.  He is going to the Father’s house-the place.  He is going to prepare a place in that house for them-the purpose.  He will come again-the promise.   

He is going to heaven, the Father’s dwelling place.  He is returning to the Father.  He came alone but He will return to make a place for all believers in His Father’s house as their permanent dwelling place.  The Father’s house is variously described in scripture:

Luke 19v12 it is called a far country presided over by a nobleman.  This pictures its grandeur:  Hebrews 11v10-16 it is called a city, which pictures its diversity; 2nd Peter 1v11 it is seen as a kingdom, which proclaims its orderly administration; Revelation 2v7 it is a garden paradise, which reveals its delights.

Revelation 21v10-27 describes the city in many ways, all of them fabulous, and supreme, the utopia of all existence.  We read of its glory; its beauty; its variety; its security; its eternity; its sanctity; its vibrancy; its exclusivity.  It is cubic dimensionally-prefigured in the tabernacle, as the place where God dwells, the inner sanctum-the Holy of Holies where we are going to dwell.  This will be our permanent residence!

Like the groom who leaves his betrothed lover to go to the Father’s house to prepare a home for his bride, so Christ prepares a place for us, His beloved people.  He speaks of many mansions-literally many rooms, or abodes; the thought is of dwelling places, residences, homesteads, places where love is the atmosphere which pervades all of life.   This glorious place has fabulous dwellings for all God’s people, and the greatest feature of all is that He is ever present.  If I go, I will come again-could be rendered, I go, I come again; the one follows the other as of absolute certainty.  Later N/T scriptures expand on this prospect in a comprehensive way.  He is coming to take us to His Father’s house.  This is the first direct reference to the secret “harpazo”-the removal of the Church from earth to be His everlasting bride, although it was hinted at to Martha in chapter 11v25-26.

To Peter, the answer is clear; failure and weakness characterise this life but don’t let it trouble you.  There is a place of eternal tranquillity, where neither of those things exist, it is the house of my Father, where all is calm.  Do not fret about the transient problems of this world.  I will come again, I will receive you unto myself.  Have faith in me, allow the perfect future to smooth the imperfect present.  

Saturday 17 June 2023

Comfort for troubled hearts


Chapter 14     Comforting

The details of the chapter are best understood as a series of questions and answers between Jesus and His disciples.

Verses 1-4  A question from Simon Peter as carried over from chapter 13v36-38   “Lord whither goest thou?”

Verses 5-7  A question from Thomas as to how we can follow Him

Verses 8-21 A question from Philip asking Him to shew the Father

Verses 22-31  A question from Judas (not Iscariot) as to why He will manifest Himself to them, and not to the world.

It is in understanding these questions and answers that we learn much spiritual truth.  Jesus is going away, He has been with them for more than 3 years, and they are evidently troubled by this and need comforting.  Suddenly the disciples must become the teachers; the students must become the leaders, and anxiety takes over.  The chapter begins and ends with an appeal not to be troubled-v1&v27.  The word trouble is the Greek tarasso which means to stir or to agitate.  The same word is used in Matthew 2v3 where the whole of Jerusalem was troubled by the visit of the Magi; Luke 1v12-Zechariah troubled at the appearance of an angel; John 5v4 the stirring of the waters at the pool of Siloam; John11v33 Jesus troubled at the grave of Lazarus; John 12v27 Jesus troubled by the prospect of Calvary; John 13v21. Jesus troubled at the defection of Judas.  So what is here is real anxiety, real disturbance of mind.   What with the defection of Judas from their number, the departure of Jesus, and the denial of Peter, it is hardly surprising they were troubled.  The whole discussion and dialogue is to put their minds at rest.  This is the ministry of comfort and consolation from the Master Himself.  In order to underpin this, there are definite themes in the verses:

·      We have faith in His person which leads to credibility     v1, v6, v7, v9, v10.

·      We have hope in His promises which brings certainty   v3, v12, v16, v23, v26, v28.

·      We have strength in His power which brings conviction    v16, v18, v26.

·      We have fellowship in His presence which leads to comfort,   v18, v21, v23.

And only in a few hours things were going to change. The sun was about to set on their whole world, as they knew it.  Their faith would be tested to the limit.  They would need every vestige of Divine support.