Saturday 11 June 2022

What will be will be

 The Son of God knows the future of every one of us

John 1v40-42 

Andrew was the lesser known of the two brothers from the fishing community.  What he did was persuade his brother, who would rise to be an apostle, to follow Jesus.  How many family members have brought their siblings to Jesus? Note what he said to him “We have found the Messiah…”  Andrew found his brother the same day, so there was no delay, so urgent was this matter to him. This was a huge statement, and Andrew’s appreciation of Him had grown.  They addressed Him as Rabbi at first, as many did.  He told his brother He was much more than a prominent teacher, He was in fact the Messiah!  We know later that Peter took this on board, for in chapter 6v68-69 he said, when challenged “To whom shall we go, thou hast the words of eternal life?  And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ , the Son of the living God.” 

Andrew found his brother Peter, and Peter found thousands according to the later narrative.  God does not use everyone to bring the masses, and those who bring the individuals are important.  He brought him to Jesus; and when Jesus beheld him, He said, “Thou art Simon son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas”, which is by interpretation a stone.”  Here we see a glimpse of Deity, Jesus predicts Simon’s future—Thou art…thou shalt be!  He knew what he would become of him, that in His power he would be a changed man, and for the better.  

He knows what we shall all be!  The Son of God knows the future of every individual.   Here we have the first glimpse of the awesome omniscience of Jesus Christ, a theme that will run through this gospel.  It is a major bible truth, and not enough of it is considered or explained.  jesus knew that the vascillating, bubbly, brash, Simon would become the solid, dependable, apostle to the Jews, carrying huge influence in the early church, and leaving a legacy for all Christians in the epistles he wrote that have been taken into the Canon for all today.  To say He knows everything is not the same as saying He pre-determines everything.  The omniscience of Christ is a vast subject in the bible, and He knows all about us; He knows where we are, how we are, and what we shall be.  In the case of Peter His prediction was perfect, and the same for all.  Keep close to Him for He knows what will become of us all.  By His power we can be anything, and anyone, only in the will of God.  As the catchy song goes...

"Put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water
Put your hand in the hand of the man who calmed the sea
Take a look at yourself, and you can look at others differently
Put your hand in the hand of the man from Galilee"

Next Follow me...

By the same author on Amazon

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