Thursday 23 June 2022

The Deity of Christ

                             Overview of the gospel of John

         The Deity of Christ declared by others

·      1v1-18      The testimony of John the apostle    

·      1v19-39    The testimony of John the Baptist

·      1v40-51    Andrew, Peter, Philip, Nathaniel

2-12    The Deity of Christ displayed in miracles

Chapter 2     The first great sign

·      2v1-11   Provision for immediate need

·      2v12-17 Passion for His Father’s house

·      2v18-22 Power over death

·      2v23-23 Perception of the public reality

Chapter 3     Reaction of the public

·      3v1-21    Jesus addresses Nicodemus

·      3v22-36  Jesus addresses the Jews

Chapter 4    Journey from Judea to Galilee

·      4v1-6        Sychar’s well

·      4v7-26      Discussion with the woman about salvation

·      4v27-38    Discussion with the disciples about service

·      4v39-42    Acceptance in Samaria

·      4v43-54    The second great sign

Chapter 5      Return to Jerusalem, the third sign

·      5v1-18    Miracle of healing

·      5v19-47  Message of the healing

Chapter 6      Jesus the living bread

·      6v1-15     Feeding the multitude, the fourth sign

·      6v16-24   Calming the storm, the fifth sign

·      6v25-31   Exposing materialism

·      6v32-58   Asserting His Deity

·      6v59-71   Delineating choice

Chapter 7   Jesus the living water-The feast of tabernacles

·      7v1-14       The feast approaches-----disbelief

·      7v15-36     The midst of the feast—--debate

·      7v37-52     The last day of the feast—division

Chapter 8     Jesus the light of the world

·      8v1-21       The light exposes the hearts of the rulers

·      8v22-59     The light challenges the prejudices of the Jews


Chapter 9      Healing the blind man, the sixth sign

·      9v1-41      The light restores the sight of the blind

Chapter 10     Jesus the good shepherd

·      10v1-21     The aftermath of the feast of tabernacles

·      10v22-42   The feast of dedication

Chapter 11      Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, the seventh great sign

·      11v1-32    The shadow of death

·      11v33-44  The resurrection

·      11v45-57  The reaction of the Jews

Chapter 12    The feast of Passover

·      12v1-11     Supper at Bethany

·      12v12-28   Jesus troubled, the hour is come

·      12v29-50   The Jews divided


13-17 The Deity of Christ embraced by His disciples

Chapter 13    Preparing the disciples for service

·      13v1-17    Jesus washing the disciples feet

·      13v18-32  Judas warning of betrayal

·      13v33-38  Jesus announcing His departure

Chapter 14    Comforting the disciples

·      14v1-15        Comfort of heart

·      14v16-31      Comfort of spirit

Chapter 15     Fruitbearing---abiding in Christ6

·      15v1-8      Responsibility to God

·      15v9-17    Responsibility to each other

·      15v18-27  Responsibility to the world

Chapter 16      The Christian in the world

·      16v1-6      Persecution from the world

·      16v7-15    The Spirit in the world

·      16v16-22  The little while of separation

·      16v23-27  Contact with heaven in prayer

·      16v28-33  Overcoming the world

Chapter 17      The prayer of Jesus

·      17v1-10   For salvation

·      17v11-24 For sanctification

·      17v25-26 For glorification

18-19 The Deity of Christ dignified in suffering

Chapter 18   Christ arrested and charged unlawfully

·      18v1-11   Arrest in the garden

·      18v12-27 Arraignment before authorities

·      18v28-40 Accusations by tormentors

Chapter 19    Christ condemned

·      19v1-3      Disfigured

·      19v4-15    Disdained

·      19v16-18  Delivered

·      19v19-22  Designated

·      19v23-24  Disrobed

·      19v25-30  Devoted

·      19v31-42  Dead and buried


20-21 The Deity of Christ demonstrated in resurrection

Chapter 20   The resurrection of Christ

·      20v1-18      Resurrection morning-appears to Mary

·      20v19-25    Resurrection evening-appears to disciples

·      20v26-31    Eight days later-appears to Thomas

Chapter 21   On the banks of the sea of Tiberias

·      21v1-8       Fishing

·      21v9-17     Shepherding

·      21v18-25   Commissioning

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