Friday 10 June 2022

"Master where dwellest thou..."

 What are you seeking?   John 1v37-39

Two of John's disciples, one named Andrew, and the other unnamed, followed Jesus at the suggestion of their teacher.  Jesus turned round and saw them following and asked a searching question, what are you seeking?  It is as if to say, you were following John, what are you seeking from me?   John the Baptist was not in the business of gathering disciples to follow him, he was all about pointing them in the direction of the Lord.  We should follow his example today.  Jesus acknowledged this and turned to those following and said “What seekest thou ”? This was not in any way to discourage them, but to have them search their motive for leaving John.  They were followers of John, and now they followed Jesus, and He wanted them to know why.  Their answer was “Rabbi,(that is teacher), where dwellest thou ?”  Was it curiosity to know where He lived, or was it deeper than that; did they wonder how He lived?  How would we answer that question, if asked by the Lord, what are you seeking?  These disciples followed Jesus as they wanted to know more about Him.  Rabbi is “learned teacher” and these men wanted more, especially at the declaration by John.  They wanted to know where He lived, they wanted to know more.  They had started on a journey that would never end.  Where does God dwell?     This is a bible theme and it has many aspects.  These men wanted to go where Jesus dwelt.  

He graciously said “Come”; it is generally agreed that this is simply an invitation.  Marvel of marvels, God invites us to draw closer.  This is the book where He speaks of “My Father’s house”-14v2.  From chapter 8v1 we learn that during His public ministry, He had nowhere to call home—“and every man went to his own house.  But Jesus went to the mount of Olives” 7v53-8v1; again He said “Foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have their nests but the Son of man hath not where to lay His head”—Matthew 8v20/Luke 9v58.  John takes this to a spiritual level in this gospel, He dwelt in the bosom of the Father, 1v18; He dwelt in heaven, even when on earth, 3v13; He had no home on earth, yet He dwelt in the Father’s house.  One of John’s favourite words is “abide”, by which He develops the thought of believers dwelling with God while living on earth!  Scripture has much to say about where God makes His abode:

·   Exodus 24v16 He dwelt in the glory on mount Sinai

·   Exodus 25v8   He dwelt in the midst of His redeemed people-see also 29v45-46

·   Psalm 68v5    He dwells with the fatherless and the widow

·   Isaiah 57v15  He dwells in every contrite and humble heart.

    This subject is too great for us to linger, save to say that these two disciples spent the rest of the day with God.  What effect did this have upon them?  It has been said that we live with men and visit God; Jesus teaches us to live with God and visit men.  He invited them to come, and their lives were changed.  He humbles Himself to dwell with us.  Will we be humble enough to give Him place in our hearts?                                 

              By the same author available from Amazon  


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