Tuesday 14 June 2022

Christs knows all

 John 1v43-47  "Behold an Israelite indeed..."

The omniscience of Christ is one of His amazing characteristics, and it pervades the whole of this gospel by John.  There is nothing hid from Him, He knows every one of us better than we know ourselves.  This comes out in the narrative in John 1 and all the way through to chapter 21.  A reading of Psalm 139 will declare the extent of this, He knows even what we are thinking.  So closely is He acquainted with us that the Psalmist was aware of it "O Lord thou hast searched me and known me, thou knowest my downsitting and my uprising"-He knows us on the couch at home!  "Thou understandest my thought afar off"-He is inside our head!  "Thou compassest my path"-He knows where we go.  "...and my lying down..." even in my sleep.  Thou art acquainted with all my ways" He knows what we are, how we operate, what motivates us!  "There is not a word in my tongue but what thou knowest it altogether"-He hears every word!  

In His journeys He finds Philip, who finds Nathaniel and so the disciples are methodically gathered.  Phillip declares to Nathaniel, “We have found him of whom Moses in the law and the prophets did write, Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph.”  At first Nathaniel was sceptical, saying, “Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?  Such was the reputation of Nazareth, Nathaniel doubted the word of Philip, who says come and see for yourself.  When they met, Jesus said to him, “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile !”  Nathaniel was impressed and said “Whence knowest thou me?  In a section which seems to take us back to the story of Jacob, this declaration is unique.  Jacob was the patriarch who was a conman, a deceiver, who manipulated things and people to his own advantage-refer Genesis 25-49-yet who in the hand of God was changed and he was changed to Israel-a prince with God-Genesis 32v24-28.  Says Jesus to Nathaniel "Behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no Jacob!  No wonder Nathaniel was taken aback, here is one whom I have never met yet He knows all about me, including my inward self!  Jesus knew that Nathaniel was a true Israelite, with no self-interest in him.  What does He know about us? The Son of God knows the character of every one of us.  He knows if we are the real thing, what does He know about me?  We wonder and worship that one so great would become our Saviour.

Next  He knows where we are on any day...


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