Saturday 18 June 2022

He knows the present

 John 1v48-49   "Whence knowest thou me?"

He knew the whereabouts of Nathaniel, “Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee” These declarations of Deity, things that only God would know, pervade the whole of the first half of the gospel… 

Chapter 2v25 He knew those who were genuine and those not; 

Chapter 4v1 He knew what the Pharisees had heard about Him;

Chapter 4v29 He knew the life history of the woman of Samaria;

Chapter 5v6 He knew how long the man at the pool was disabled;

Chapter 6v15 "He knew the intentions of His tormentors;

 Chapter 6v26 He knew the hearts of those who followed Him;

Chapter 6v52 He knew the disapproval of what He was teaching;

Chapter 7v16 He answered questions they didn't ask Him.

Chapter 9v3 He knew the facts about the man born blind from birth. 

The awesome truth of the omniscience of the man Jesus Christ! 

The Son of God knows who I am, and where I am at all times!

Nathaniel goes from stuttering incredulity to a perfect understanding of who was before him, “Thou art the Son of God, thou art the king of Israel."  However, Jesus was not taken in and replies that even he, the sincere Israelite, had much to learn.  

Next Jesus prophesies the future...

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