Monday 27 June 2022

Water to wine


John 1v1-11 His Divine provision for immediate need

Jesus attends a wedding in Cana of Galilee, where he was an invited guest along with His mother and His disciples.  His mother is mentioned especially in this event.  Firstly, we note that they were sociable; this was true of Jesus always, as He was happy to socialise with all different people.  Secondly, He was no party pooper, for He met the need of the hour when they ran out of wine.  No matter how we view this incident, it tells us our Lord was prepared to meet an immediate need, and He had no scruples about supplying wine, which was the normal fare for a wedding.  In walking among men, He observed such customs as were acceptable to God.  Wine, symbolically in the bible, represented that which went with joy and happiness, the very essence of what a wedding should be.  The union of a couple in marriage was a Divine institution and a matter of joy.  In reality the wedding and the wine are INCIDENTAL in this account; what is to the fore is the majesty of the Divine guest.  His mother was aware of the need and said to the hosts “Whatsoever He saith unto you do it ”.   According to historians, such a wedding feast may last any of 2/14 days, depending on how rich the family hosts were.  Such an occasion was so important in Jewish culture that if there was inadequate supply it was an embarrassment to the family, and indeed could have resulted in litigation by the parents of the bride against the other family.  So what we have here is no small matter, but one of immense importance to a family name, and both Jesus and His mother read the situation.  This is a gesture of social bonding which is important in any society.

As we ponder the thrust of these events, both this one and those future, we must understand Jesus is moving into a different mode of service than before.  He is now in the public sphere, and now His tone is one of authority.  He is dealing with things as the Son of God in full mode of Deity, and in full command of every situation.  He says to His mother, “Woman what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come”.  In the gospel of John, He never addresses her as mother for He is speaking as God.  He refers to the timing of things, for everything is now according to the will of His Father only, and at the right time.  He was now working to the Divine timetable.  This is repeated in 4v21v23; 5v25v28; 12v27;13v1; 17v1.  His mother understood perfectly and did not take offence, but advised the servants to do His bidding.

Receiving inward confirmation from His Father, Jesus sets about performing His first public miracle, which would be a signpost to His Deity.  Fill the water pots with water ”, He said.

The water pots were of stone and empty of water speaking of man’s dead religion; there were six of them, the biblical number of man.   All the ceremony in the world was worthless in this situation.  Only Jesus can produce the wine.  This is an astonishing miracle for they filled the pots to the brim involving over 100 gallons of water(firkins are 9 imperial gallons).  Jesus bypassed the natural process of turning water to wine, for this is exactly what happens in nature.  However the earthen clay pots were no vessels to bring wine from water, only God can do that.  The Divine word of Christ was enough to make the miraculous change, and He accelerated the natural process without the soil and the vines.  In a moment the water was turned to wine and the wedding feast continued without a hitch.  No soil, no vine, no grapes, no presses, no process of fermentation.  Water to wine in an instant, we are face to face with the Creator, the One who can fast-forward a natural process in an instant.

This beginning of miracles (signs) did Jesus in Cana of Galilee and manifested forth His glory: and His disciples believed on Him.”

It's all about His glory, and about our faith in Him. The lesson for us here is that God can use the ordinary circumstances of life to demonstrate the extraordinary glory of His power.  The lesson for us is, as His mother said, do what He says if you want anything.   John said in chapter 1 “We beheld His glory…”, here it is evident again in the first miracle. 

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