Saturday 25 June 2022

Water to wine


2-12     The Deity of Christ declared in miracles

Chapter 2   The beginning of signs

The scene is Cana and Capernaum in Galilee.  We remind ourselves of the purpose of this book, as stated in chapter 20v30-31 “And many other signs did Jesus truly in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that, believing, ye might have life through His name.”

John’s gospel. Is the portrait of Jesus as the Son of God presenting His deity all its facets.  We are confronted with God dwelling in a body in the person of Jesus Christ.  So we must look beyond the narrative and see the actions of God in flesh. Chapter 1, we have the verbal evidence- the testimony of others.  Here in chapter 2, we have the more visible evidence of his Deity.  The beginning of signs that are recorded throughout the book.  They were all miracles, that is deeds that were beyond the normal, but John calls them signs, as they were a pointer to the reality of who He was.

Signs can be defined as follows: a) A distinguishing mark by which an event or a person is known; b) A miracle of supernatural proportions; c) A portent of an impending tragedy.  The particular usage of this by John is that these miracles point to Jesus as the son of God.  The miracles were a blessing to those who were healed, but John is presenting them as evidence of His Deity.  In all there are seven signs and they were done in the presence of His disciples in order to bolster their faith.

·      Chapter 2v1-11, turning the water into wine. He is the sovereign Lord of time.

·      Chapter 4v46-54, The healing of the nobleman son. He is the sovereign Lord of all space.

·      Chapter 5v1-9, The healing of the impotent man. He is the sovereign Lord of the functions of the body.

·      Chapter 6v1-13, The feeding of the 5000. He is the sovereign Lord of the food supply.

·      Chapter 6v19-21, walking on water. He is the sovereign Lord over nature.

·      Chapter 9v1-17, He gives sight to the blind man. He is the sovereign Lord of human vision.

·      Chapter 11v1-43, Raising Lazarus from the dead. He is the sovereign Lord over death

Chapter 21v25  These are just some of the signs, but they are surely enough for simple faith.  If all were written, the world could not contain the books that could be written, He is the infinite, inscrutable, inexhaustible Son of God.  If all the miracles, all the deeds of kindness, all the gracious words, all the astonishing doctrine were written, the world could not contain Him. He will exhaust the poets attempts to describe Him; even exhaust the preachers ability to explain Him; and He will exhaust the sceptics schemes to deny Him. Whatever attribute we think of, love, grace, humility, meekness it is the same.  We would be exhausted but He is the inexhaustible, inscrutable, unstoppable Son of God.  He is God in flesh! The word signs is so important, we dare not ignore it.  We dare not give Him a second place.  He is the One, the God of the universe who walked amongst us.  The signs prove it, for only God can do this.

The chapter can be divided into four instances of the display of His Deity:

Verses 1-11    His provision for immediate need

Verses 12-17  His passion for the Father’s house

Verses 18-22  His power over death

Verses 23-25  His perception of reality

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