Saturday 28 May 2016


  • The sharp edge of His tongue:       "Out of His mouth goeth a sharp two-edged sword."    Revelation 1v16
There are two words for "Sword" in the book of Revelation; there is the short Roman sword designed for close combat in warfare; the other is the long broad sword used by the Thracians and other barbarians in the course of brutal warfare.   It is the latter of these words which is spoken of here and represents the irresistible authority and devastating force of our Lord's judgement.   He is depicted as the warrior judge!    Revelation 19v15      "And out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and He treadeth the wine press of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God."   The overbearing and overriding spoken word of the Lord Christ will devastate all opposition.   The unbelievable power of His word was seen at creation when He spoke the universe into being.   By His word alone, all that we know was brought into being; by His word alone all enemies will be crushed.

In John12v48 He told the people of His day  "He that rejecteth Me and receiveth not My words hath One that judgeth him; the word that I have spoken, that same shall judge him in the last day."   We really do need to take on board the solemnity of this.   Whether we are unbelievers or believers, whether we are preachers or teachers, we have in our hands the living word of the living Christ which shall judge us in the last day.   His word alone becomes the instrument of judgement, and of war, and of eternal damnation.   Revelation 19 it says that He will come with  "the armies of heaven."   he will not need any one of those armies.   His word alone will be enough.   The world talks with fear about  "the battle of Armageddon"  as if there is going to be some kind of conquest.   There will be no such battle as such; the word of the warrior Christ will crush all opposition.   Back in Old Testament times when the nation of Judea was under threat of extinction from the Assyrian army, one angel, in one night, obliterated an army of 185,000 soldiers, leaving none alive (2nd Kings 19v35).    The Lord of the host of heaven's angels will need no help against the puny forces of man who will dare to lift his fist against the Almighty.

Those of us who refuse to be charmed by His love as demonstrated at Calvary, should be brought low in our spirits by fear of His mighty destruction of all who oppose the living God.   It is little wonder that in view of such a crushing devastation of the world in opposition to God, that it is recorded in Revelation 8v1  "there was silence in heaven for the space of half an hour."    We observe a one minute silence in respect for those who have died.   heaven will hold a thirty minute silence, before the outpouring of such judgement.   There is no pleasure in heaven at the misery of human beings, but sin must be expunged from the universe.

The Christ of the gospels is only half the story.   The Christ of the Revelation completes the picture in which all human beings are involved.   The Man of Calvary has become the Judge of all the earth.   the One who died to save you, will banish you forever who spurned His grace.   The issues are serious,  the outcome is sure.   His word is powerful and devastating.   The final picture is of the Christ of God bestriding the universe and in the words of the apostle Paul  "Taking vengeance on them which no not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ."  (2nd Thessalonians 1v8).   This fact is prophesied by Isaiah 63v1-4 in a dialogue between Divine beings  " Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah?   This that is glorious in His apparel  travelling in the greatness of His strength?   I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save.   Wherefore art Thou red in Thine apparel, and Thy garments like Him that treadeth in the winefat ?   I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with Me: for I will tread them in Mine anger and shall trample them in My fury: and their blood shall be sprinkled upon My garments, and I will stain all My raiment.   For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come." 

What we do with this One will determine our eternal destiny.

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