Sunday 15 May 2016


"I John, who also am your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ."              Revelation 1v9

We are now introduced to the human author of the book, and against the backdrop of the awesome glory of Jesus, for whom he was writing, John must have felt quite inadequate for the task.   This should be true of any of us who engage in such a work, that we should feel the weight of responsibility, and a sense of unworthiness.   For this reason John introduces himself, not as an apostle but as a brother.   He could not do otherwise, since against the blazing glories of Jesus Christ his own little light would be very dim indeed.   He says three things about himself:
  • I am your brother.        John is the apostle who presents the truth of the family of God more than any other.   He emphasizes the fact that God is our Father, and we are all brethren.   John 1v12  "As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the children of God, even to them that believe in His name."   Seven times over in his first epistle John addresses the believers as  "my dear children. "   Chapter 2v1; 2v12; 2v28; 3v7; 3v18; 4v4; 5v21.   This is a study in itself and reveals what we all are in the family of God.   Love and respect to all our brethren is to the fore in his teaching and is seen as an evidence of salvation.   Here, he is the last apostle alive, yet he simply says to them "I am your brother".  
  • I am your companion in tribulation.    We share good times, we share bad times.   Jesus said " in the world you shall have tribulation."   John 16v33   In the sermon on the mount he spoke about  " suffering for righteousness sake."   Matthew 5v10 and  " suffering for my sake."   Matthew 5v11.   Under the Roman Emperor Domitian the Christians suffered greatly under a severe persecution and many of them were banished to work in the mines.   The brutality of this regime was evidenced by the fact they would even send a ninety year old man to work in the marble quarries of Patmos.   The authorities of the day no doubt thought the were doing their own will, but God had a higher purpose.   It was during this exile on a barren rocky island in the Aegean Sea that he received the testimony of Christ which is now in our possession.   The very seclusion of that place and the bleakness of it, possibly enhanced the revelation that was given.   John would have been free from all distraction on that island and he had come to terms with the fact that this was God's will, saying to his readers that he was there  "for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ."   it is indeed a wonderful thing when we find ourselves in unwanted situations, to accept the fact that the Lord has a higher purpose.
  • I am your companion in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ.     The kingdom of Jesus Christ is sure, but it is not yet visible.   As members of this invisible (but very real) kingdom we must suffer the misunderstanding and intolerance of a Christ rejecting world.   When John uses the word "patience" or perhaps better "endurance", he is indicating that all Christians will need a great deal of this quality.   Jesus said  "from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force."   Matthew 11v12.   As members of the kingdom, not yet visible, we must pass through trying times .   Some will suffer martyrdom, some unemployment, some mocking, some loss of possessions, perhaps even loss of dignity and loss of friendship.   We are all in the kingdom of heaven and we must together demonstrate the qualities required of those who are part of heavenly royalty.
A quick reading through chapters 6 - 19 will reveal what believers will suffer because of the kingdom of God.   Even in chapters 2 & 3, where a panoramic view of the churches is given, it is predicted that believers will have a less than perfect experience in the churches; having to live with false doctrine, false professors, nominal Christians, lethargic Christians, lukewarm Christians etc. etc.   The words of the apostle John come to us across the centuries  "I am your brother and companion in tribulation and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ."

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