Monday 2 May 2016


"The Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto Him......Revelation 1v1

This is a very surprising and revealing statement, which points to a deep mystery beyond all human comprehension.   Divine beings, who are omniscient (i.e. they know all things) appear to have the ability to refrain from knowing things, which they have accorded to another within the Godhead!   The Bible is clear that only God can reveal God.

  • Matthew 16v17     "Blessed art thou Simon Bar-jona; for flesh and blood has not revealed it unto thee but my Father which is in heaven."    This is God the Father ..revealing God the Son to Simon Peter,
  • Matthew 11v27     "No one knoweth the Son but the Father; and no one knoweth the Father save the Son, and he to whom the Son is willing to reveal Him."   Only God the Son can reveal God the Father.
  • 1st Corinthians 2v11     " For what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of a man which is in him?    Even so the things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God."   Only the Spirit of God can reveal God.
The above references make it clear that only the three persons of the Godhead can know God, and only they can reveal God.   Yet there is this amazing truth that they are able to allocate certain knowledge between them, and a study of the following verses would confirm this: Matthew 24v36: Mark 13v32: Acts 1v7.  The latter reference is particularly interesting "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in His own power (authority)."  

Jesus revealed certain knowledge of future events in His discourses of prophecy in Matthew chapters 24 & 25, but clearly the full revelation was given to Him after the ascension.   Observe the Divine order in the revelation indicated in verses 1 - 4.   God gave the Revelation to Jesus; Jesus gave it to His angel; His angel gave it to John; and John sent the details to the seven churches in Asia.   Consequently, we now have the full Revelation of the future before it happens.   The source of this revelation is God the Father, the subject is Jesus Christ, the servants, the heavenly and earthly agents are the angel and the apostle.   In a staggering revelation which abounds with blessings and severe warnings we have God's final revelation to the world, and we should treasure this, every chapter, every verse, every word and every syllable, because it affects all human beings who exist and ever have existed.   The phrase "which God gave unto Him" is a key idea throughout the book   It speaks of the awesome extent of Divine sovereignty in the affairs of the universe.   It tells everyone just who is in control, and to what extent!    This phrase occurs in the following verses:  Revelation 1v1: 6v2: 6v4: 6v8: 6v11: 7v2: 9v1: 9v3-5: 11v1: 11v2: 12v14: 13v5: 13v7: 16v6: 16v8: 20v4.   A survey of all of these verses reveals the absolute sovereign control by God in all places over all people and in every eventuality as well as over angels and demons.   This should be a comfort to all believers; it may also be a terror to unbelievers.   The words of John the Baptist in John chapter 3v27 come to mind,  "A man can receive nothing except it were given him from above"  

Whether we think of Divine favour or blessing or Divine judgement or cursing or matters involving prosperity, or progress, or promotion, or riches or power, or authority, or ability, no one can ultimately move without the sovereign control of God, and this book makes it abundantly clear.   This fact is especially important in the face of the horrors of the end times of this world.   Before the outpouring of God's wrath on a godless world are presented in chapters 6 - 19 we are given the vision of Divine control on the throne in chapters 4 & 5.   All of this, in no way negates human responsibility; but God is in absolute control.   The truth of Divine sovereignty, which is imprinted on this book, should teach us reverence and humility, qualities which are singularly lacking in human society.


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