Wednesday 25 May 2016


  • The all-conquering subjugation of His power:   "..and His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace".   Revelation 1v15.
The usage of brass or bronze/copper in the bible is symbolic of divine judgement.  The well known scripture  " And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron" is metaphoric for extreme divine judgement on people.   Deuteronomy 28v23   The altar of sacrifice both in the tabernacle and the temple was made of brass.   This depicts divine judgment upon sin, because the fire was never to be extinquished.   The laver before the holy place was also made of brass, and is symbolic of self judgement, since no priest could enter the holy place without washing at the laver.  

The "feet" in scripture have to do with authority.   The expression  "under His feet " speaks of the absolute authority given to man  (Psalm 8v6) at the beginning of creation.   The writer to the Hebrews quotes this Psalm in chapter 2 v5-8 saying   "Thou hast put all things in subjection under His feet: for in that He put all in subjection to Him, He left nothing that is not put under Him."   The writer applies this to Christ who will fulfill what Adam lost because of sin.   So the picture here is of one with absolute authority and power exercising judgement on the world.

All matters concerning the earth are even now under the control of Jesus Christ.    Psalm 47 predicts this  " for the Lord most high is terrible; He is a great King over all the earth.   He shall subdue the people under us, and the nations under our feet."   The dominion of the earth has been passed to Christ  "when He shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.   For He must reign till He hath put all enemies under His feet."   1st Corinthians 15v24-25    The feet of Christ are burning, they are active in judgement.    Not only can he see all things, but He can change all things.   His judgement on the church (chapters 2-3), and in the world (chapters 6-19) is live.   Where necessary He will act and nothing will oppose Him.   This was prophesied by Daniel in chapter 10v6  "His face was as the appearance of lightening, and His eyes as lamps of fire, and His arms and His feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of His words liker the voice of a multitude."
  • Concerning the churches     -     Those feet are walking in the midst of the seven golden lampstands.    He commends, He controls, He commands, and where necessary He condemns.  Revelation 2v5  " Repent or I will remove the lampstand."   Revelation 2v21  " He says to the people at Thyatira that He would bring into their midst illness, tribulation, and even death, if they did not mend their ways. 
  • Concerning the world at large     -     Revelation 6v8  "The fourth part of the earth were slain.   Chapter 9v15   "The third part of the earth were slain."     Chapter 19v20   The world rulers  "the beast and the false prophet" were banished to eternal doom.   Chapter 20v10  Satan and all his followers were banished,   Chapter 20v12-15   All the unregenerate dead banished.  
The apostle Peter sounded a warning to all false teachers who were serving themselves and not the Lord  "Whose judgement now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not."  2nd Peter 2v3.

The picture here is of feet of bronze burning; not only the One who took upon Himself the fires of divine judgement, but the One who will mete it out to all those who reject God's mercy.

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