Wednesday 18 May 2016


"And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks......."   Revelation 1v12.

The awkward phrase  "I turned to see the voice that spake with me " probably reflects the fact that John not only heard a loud voice but was aware of a great brightness.   The first thing that he saw was seven golden lampstands.   We will deal with that first, and next we will focus on the One who stood in their midst.   The imagery of the lampstands would be meaningful to John.  

  • The meaning of lampstands in holy scripture  -   Their function is to shed light in a dark place.   The progressive teaching of the lampstands  (candlesticks A.V.) is that God has never been, and will never be, without a witness in this world.   The spiritual state of the world is clearly said to be one of  darkness.   This is made clear by John in his gospel when he described Jesus Christ come in the flesh as  " the light of men " John 1v4.   He continues  "and the light shineth in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not."     John 1v5.   Time and space would fail us to go into the differences between light and darkness save to say that they are opposite one to the other.   Scripture defines the knowledge of this world apart from God as darkness.   The lampstands first appeared in Exodus chapter 25 in the tabernacle.   Next we read of them in 1st Kings chapter 7 standing before the oracle in the temple.   Next we see them during the exile of Israel in Babylon in Zechariah chapter 4.   Next we see them in Revelation chapters 1,2 & 3, when the church has become the light of the world, reflecting the light of Jesus Christ.   Finally in Revelation chapter 11 the lampstands are mentioned again in connection with the two witnesses who will bring the truth of God, the light of God to the  world in the darkest period of world history yet to come.   Thus from the beginning of Divine revelation to the end, the light of God will go on shining.   Today that light is invested in the church.
  • They are said to be golden lampstands  -  In all these pictures presenting Divine truth the Bible is self explanatory.   In the Old Testament pure gold represents Deity whereas gold with impurities represents God's people.   There is ever a distinction between God and His people.   When we think of the churches described as  "golden" we would expect to see something perfect.   A study of the churches in chapters 2 & 3 reveal that they are anything but perfect, but they are golden because they have the stamp of God upon them.   They are in fact a work in progress and only through a refinement process will they shine brighter and brighter.  It is not that they are any better than anyone else, it is simply that by faith they have the life of God within them.   The picture in the Old Testament of the golden lampstand in the tabernacle is very graphic indeed.   The lampstand was made from one talent (one hundred and twenty pounds approximately) of pure gold, but it was an undefined shape, was not measured, and represents God the Father as One who is undefined and undefinable.   This shapeless mass of pure gold was beaten into a recognizable shape in the seven branched lampstand that has become an iconic shape in the world today.   This represents Jesus Christ who took human form so that we could see Him as a recognizable man.   Thirdly through the stems of the lampstands flowed the oil which represents the Holy Spirit to give light in the dark place.   Thus the people of God as being part of the churches of God have the Divine stamp upon them of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.   Despite their obvious weaknesses and failures they are still to be considered as the golden lampstands of the truth of God.  This of course is only true when they are truly representing the God who has saved them.  
A number of aspects of these lampstands should be observed and are interesting in themselves.  
  • Each church is said to be in a locality:   Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamus, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.   There is no concept of a national church.  
  • Each church is standing on its own base:   Each one is autonomous and is responsible to bring its own light.
  • Each church is answerable alone to the One who is walking in their midst, the risen glorified Lord Jesus Christ.   There is no concept of a diocese, or committee or central church government; each one answers directly to the Lord.
  • Each church exists to reflect the glories of Jesus Christ.    Thus in word and in deed the members are responsible to truly represent Him.  
The apostle Paul summarises the whole matter in 1st Timothy 3v15.   There he states that each church is the  "house of God " and  " the church of the living God " ( there is the golden aspect ) and each church is said to be the " pillar and ground of the truth."  ( There is the light shining ).   The ground of the truth is that the truth of God will be taught in the church; the pillar of the truth is that it will be transmitted to the world.   Thus every church should be a place of teaching and a place of testimony.   No matter how dark the days the light will never go out.  

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."      Matthew 5v16

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