Monday 23 May 2016


  • The impeccability of His character      " His head and His hairs were white like wool, as white as snow."         Revelation 1v14
The word  "impeccability "  comes from the process of removing someone from high office due to corruption.   What is being said here of Christ is that He is unimpeachable.   No one will ever be able to remove Him from office, the office of Judge of all the earth.   I believe that the expression  "white as wool, as white as snow " is not so much the idea of maturity or eternality  (such as the Ancient of days of Daniel's prophecy); rather it has to do with the absolute purity of His entire existence such that no one can point the finger.   This expression corresponds to Isaiah 1 v 18  "Come now, and let us reason together saith the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."   What is in view here is the sinless purity of Jesus Christ as He administers the office of Judge.   Let us now consider the testimony of some who witnessed His life and death, and who gave an unbiased view of Him.  
  • The angels       At His birth  "that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God."            Luke 1v35
  • The demons     In His life  "Jesus of Nazareth, art Thou come to destroy us?   We know Thee who Thou art, the Holy One of God."        Mark 1 v 24 (and others)
  • God                  At the beginning of His public ministry  "this is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."        Matthew 3 v 17
  • Pontius Pilate    At his trial  "I am innocent of the blood of this just person."   Matthew 27v24 
  • The malefactor on the cross beside Him        "We indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this Man hath done nothing amiss."         Luke 23 v 41  
  • The Roman centurion       After his death   "truly this was the Son of God."   Matthew 27v54
  • The apostle Paul               "He knew no sin."   2nd Corinthians 5 v 1
  • The apostle Peter              "Who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth.  1st Peter 2 v 22
  • The apostle John                "And ye know that He was manifested to take away our sins; and in Him is no sin."      1st John 3 v 5
He is the sinless impeccable Christ of God.   He said of Himself  as He neared the end of His life on earth  " The prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in Me."         John 14 v 30   No other human being since the creation of Adam until the end of time can ever say something like that.   Not one thing could He be accused of by the arch accuser of men.   No other person has the right to be the judge of the world.   He is in the language of scripture  "white like wool. "   In the language of the modern world He is  "pure as the driven snow."   He is established as the judge of all men and no one will ever be able to remove Him.   His utter purity and sinlessness are without question.   For more than thirty years he walked through this sinful world and was uncontaminated by its toxic atmosphere
The hymn writer Wylie McCleod has perfectly captured the thought:

"A perfect path of purest grace,
Unblemished and complete,
Was Thine, Thou spotless Nazarite,
Pure, even to the feet.
Thy stainless life, Thy lovely walk,
In every aspect true,
From the defilement all around,
No taint of evil drew.
No broken service, Lord was Thine,
No change was in Thy way;
Unsullied in Thy holiness,
Thy strength knew no decay.
The vow was on Thee—Thou didst come,
To yield Thyself to death;
And consecration marked Thy path,
And spoke in every breath.
Morning by morning Thou didst wake,
Amidst this poisoned air;
Yet no contagion touched Thy soul,
No sin disturbed Thy prayer.
Thus, Lord we love to trace Thy course,
To mark where Thou hast trod,
And follow Thee with loving eye,
Up to the throne of God."

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