Thursday 5 May 2016


"He sent and signified it by His angel unto His servant John; who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ and of all things that he saw."         Revelation 1v1-2

Many of the details are "symbolic" (the word signified means made known by signs or symbols) the symbols enhance the meaning of the events, since it is well known that a picture speaks a thousand words.   For those who wish to symbolize everything in this book, it should be noted that a symbol must be symbolic of something actual, for God is not dealing with this world in the abstract.   Some of the symbols are explained, others are left to our study of scriptural symbolic meaning.   Holy scripture has its own encrypted code, and we need look no further than the Bible itself  for the meaning of the symbols.   It would not possible to explain the events of the future without symbolism.   Perhaps the best example of this is of the beast of Revelation chapter 13.   This is no literal beast, but a man and/or a system acting like a beast; i.e. without any moral code and acting purely in self interest   This symbolism is also used in the Old testament scriptures.    We do need to understand this book; it is a precious divine revelation given to us all and we need to explore its meaning and adjust our lives in the light of its truth.

In verse 2 we have a threefold summary of the entire book and in verse 3 we have the responsibility of all of us to respond.  

Firstly the summary of the book of Revelation in three ways:  it is said to be
  • The word of God
  • The testimony of Jesus Christ
  • Verifiable things that John saw.

This is no human speculation.
This is the word of the living God.
God is speaking to us all, and he is speaking about future events concerning everyone, and we do well to take heed.   This is the same word that brought the universe into being (Genesis chapter 1).   It is the same word that breathed life into a lifeless human body (Genesis chapter 2).   It is the same word that brings to life the spiritually dead (John chapter 3).    The word of God will outlast the universe  (Matthew 5v18).   It is not like the word of men; it will be fulfilled.   In the words of the prophet Baalam in ( Numbers 23v19-20)   "God is not a man that He should lie: nor the Son of man that He should repent.   Hath He said and shall He not do it?   Or hath He spoken and shall He not make it good?   Behold I have received commandment to bless, and He hath blessed and I cannot reverse it." At the very outset John makes it clear that this is the word of God; it is sure, it is true, it can be relied upon.   All that follows will take place because God has said it. The universe will pass away before this word will be fulfilled.


The essence of God's word, is the testimony of Jesus Christ.   This is explained in Revelation chapter 19v10  "the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."    When we come to holy scriptures we are not to be concerned with the book from the point of view of speculative curiosity.   Every book in the bible, whether narrative or history or poem or song or prophecy has one object and that is the person of Jesus Christ.   The study of  numbers and events and persons must come secondary to the primary focus of prophecy which is the Person of Jesus Christ.    We have already expanded this in Post No. 001, but the reason why Jesus is the primary subject of all prophecy is because He is the only revelation of God.   (Matthew 11v27)   (John 1v18) 


This entire book is based not on fiction or fantasy but on solid firsthand witness.   Although it was supernaturally transmitted, it became visible to him as if it had already happened.   More than forty times throughout the book it is recorded  " I saw."    In chapter 1v19 John was asked to  "write the things which thou hast seen."   In his first epistle (1st John 1v1) he says this  "That which was from the beginning which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled of the word of life."   Again in (1st John 1v3)  "That which we have seen and heard, declare we unto you."   The apostle Paul in his exposition of the resurrection of Christ, when it was being held in question, says this  "He was seen of Cephas, then of twelve, after that he was seen by above 500 brethren at once..........  last of all He was seen of me."   1st Corinthians 15v5-8    Christianity is based on historical, verifiable facts and illuminated by divine revelation.   This is the truth.

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