Thursday 13 April 2023

The true shepherd


The message is loud and clear.  Don't be taken in by breakneck public activity that serves only for the aggrandisement of would-be leaders.  The true shepherd cares only for the good of the flock, seeks only their betterment, leads them into fresh pastures, feeds them, tends them, protects them, opens to them abundant life, that only He can give.  He gives them love, He is prepared to lay down his life for the sheep.  He gives them life, abundant life, progressive life, eternal life as He says in v28.  He gives them liberty, freedom to go in and out, to explore, to enjoy.

He is the door into the sheepfold, that is the way of salvation.   He is the shepherd of the flock, that is the way of satisfaction.   There are many  qualities of the Lord, as the true Shepherd-familiarity, the sheep must know His voice; intimacy, He calls them by name-each one individually known to Him; leadership, He leads them out and they follow Him; devotion, He protects them from danger to the extent of laying down His life.

Above all, he has the approval of His Father, which is the single most important factor in shepherding the people. “As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father and I lay down my life for the sheep.” The pattern for the perfect shepherd is-approved of God and accepted by men.  The imagery of human beings, characterised as sheep is not a very complimentary one and we would probably prefer to be seen as more noble animals like jaguars or tigers, or lions, or eagles and the like.  However, the imagery of sheep is perfect because sheep are oftentimes silly; they tend to wander and they get lost.  Also they follow the pack, not always in a good way.  The one who created us knows us best, and knows what we need and how to guide us.  We can be sure that He is the Good Shepherd and always has our best interests at heart.  Good in scripture denotes nobility, attractiveness worth, beauty. His was a voluntary life of sacrifice laid down for the welfare of the sheep.  His familiarity with the sheep, and they with Him, is rooted in His intimate relationship with the Father. 

And other sheep I have which are not of this fold. Them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd. Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life that I might take it again.  No man, taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself.  I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father   v16

Until now, he has been speaking of the fold of the sheep of the true Israel.  Now He refers to Gentile believers who would come at His bidding, and under His care.  It should be noted that in this verse there are two different words translated fold. The first  refers to a place where sheep gather; the second should be translated flock and refers to the sheep themselves. There are two folds but one flock and one shepherd.  This has been perverted by world religions, each suggesting that they, and they alone, are the one fold into which people can come.  The two folds are “the lost sheep of the house of Israel”-Matthew 10v6; and the strangers of the Gentiles-1st Peter2v10. In that wonderful outline by Paul in Ephesians 2v15-18 we find that God creates out of two folds “one new man”, and there is one flock, and one shepherd.  The work of the Shepherd will continue on into the future end times, when He will gather His sheep and tend them, according to Revelation 7v15-17.

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