Sunday 2 April 2023

Jesus the light of the world

 The darkness descends         John 8v12-29

The Feast of Tabernacles was now over. The lamps which had been lit on the very first day, and had burned brightly all the way through were now extinguished.  A kind of anti-climax settled over the people, following the ecstasy of the celebrations as they prepared to return home.  Even more pronounced was the darkness resident in the hearts of the nation's rulers.  It was in this context that Jesus proclaims “I am the light of the world, he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life”-8v12


The real darkness is that spiritual darkness which is in the  hearts of people.  We have seen the light of the world convicting the hypocritical leaders in v1-11; we now see the same light challenging their darkness in v12-20.  A dialogue of questions and answers reveals the true nature of the situation.  Here is a perfect illustration of the statement in John 1v5 “…the light shineth in the darkness…the darkness comprehended it not.”


They question His credibility. “Thou bearest record of thyself thy record is not true.

Jesus replied that they didn't know what they were talking about, so they were not qualified to talk about things that were beyond them and out of this world altogether.  The level of their judgment was faulty because they judged, according to earthly standards and He was talking of matters on a higher level.  His credibility was not in question for His judgment was superior, and His Father confirmed His credibility.  This was well within what He called their law, which required two witnesses.


They question His claim that God was His Father.     

His answer was short and terse, He was not prepared to clear the fog they had chosen to live in.  He said “If you had known me, you would have known the Father.”  All this took place in the treasury as He taught in the temple.  The mention of the Treasury is interesting from a number of points of view.  It was the area where the golden Candelabra was situated. This is topical since Jesus has proclaimed Himself as the light of the world and so He positions Himself aptly to illustrate His teaching.  In addition, the Treasury was located in what is called the Court of the women where there were 13 brazen casks for almsgiving, each one nominated for a particular charity, designed to alleviate the suffering of the needy.  It is thought that this particular part of the temple was the busiest in the whole precinct, and so we learn that Jesus taught in the busiest forum where most people gathered.  This also made Him vulnerable to arrest as some were plotting against Him, but He was under the protection of the Divine clock, as  it says, “His hour was not yet come.”  No one can touch Him until the Divine hand permits it.  He is in the groove of the purposes of God.


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