Thursday 27 April 2023

Jesus the resurrection and the life

 Chapter 11    Jesus the resurrection and the life

Chapter 10 ends where chapter one begins-preaching in Bethabara, beyond Jordan; people flocking to hear the word of God, and many people believing.  Chapter 11 is the record of the 7th public sign proving his Deity.  The section from chapters 2-11 contains 7 miraculous signs by which He manifests His glory, so much so it demanded an answer from who were in contact with Him.  As always, He divided opinion-some believed, others ignored, others opposed Him.  Jesus demonstrated the power and the proof of His claims.  He said he was the bread of life, He fed 5000 and more; He said he was the light of the world, He made the blind man to see; He said he gave to his sheep eternal life, He raises Lazarus from the dead.

Dilemma at Bethany       v1-3

A dear friend is sick, Lazarus the brother of Martha and Mary.  The home at Bethany, which had become a haven for Jesus and His disciples in His visits to Judea, is now facing serious illness.  It is always a serious matter when sickness besets a home, and we can be sure that God is compassionate towards those who are so suffering.   The family at Bethany were especially close to the Lord’s heart, and this was opportunity for Him to relieve their suffering.  Lazarus is equivalent to the Old Testament Eleazar, which means the “Lord is my helper”-and the family is about to experience His help.  The sisters sent word “He whom thou lovest is sick”.  The love of Christ for His people pervades chapters 11-18, and, indeed, the whole book.

11v3 “He whom thou lovest; 11v5 “Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus”; 11v36 “…behold how He loved him”; 13v1 “…having loved His own, which were in the world, He loved them unto the end”;  13v34 “…a new commandment. I give to you, that ye love one another as I have loved you”; 14 v21 “He that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him”; 14v31 “…that the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father giveth me commandment, even so do I”; 15v9 “…as the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you”; 15 v12 “…this is my commandment that ye love one another as I have loved you”; 16v27 “…for the Father Himself loveth you because ye have loved me”; 17v26 “…and the love wherewith thou lovest me, may be in them and I in them”.

There is no question of Jesus love for His people, and for His Father and we ought to note the example.  Mutual love is the essence of Christianity. 

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