Friday 7 April 2023

Opening the eyes of the blind


John Chapter 9    Jesus doing the works of God

This is the 6th sign which points to Jesus as the Son of God.  As before, no one but God could do this miracle.  It is absolutely not in the gift of man to create sight in a man who was born blind; this miracle proclaims unequivocally that Jesus is God.

Verses 1-7    Giving sight to the blind

Occupation.  Jesus is fully involved in the work of God-v1-2

And as Jesus passed by He saw a man which was blind from his birth”.  The words “Jesus” and “his” are in italics, and have been supplied by the translators-they are not in the original  texts.  So the verse reads “And passing by He saw a man which was blind from birth.”  This links the opening verse of this chapter to the last verse of the previous chapter.  He was surrounded by a mob who wanted to stone Him, these being the rejecters among the rulers of Israel.  He quickly went through their midst and passed them by-8v59…as He passed, He stopped beside the blind man…9v1.  He removes Himself from those who wanted to kill him and stopped to attend a man who needed Him.  “Passing by” is a phrase that is much used in scripture, reminding us that the opportunities to get right with God are fleeting.

·      Matt. 9v9 Jesus passed forth

·      Matt. 9v27Jesus departed

·      Matt. 20v30 Two blind men… heard that Jesus passed by.

·      Luke 18v37 And they told him that Jesus of Nazareth passeth by

·      1st Cor. 7v31 The fashion of this world passeth by

This world, this life, with all its opportunities, is passing by and we are all heading on the journey to the other side. Our attitude to Jesus determines our eternal destiny. He passed by the spiritual rulers who knew not they were blinded by their own religion.   At the same time He stopped to heal a man who knew he was blind.  He will go on to speak of the fleeting opportunities for service, but first we consider the importance of the meaning of blindness.

He saw a man blind from birth…”   This is the condition of the entire human race.   In chapter five, He healed a man paralysed for 38 years, representing the nation of Israel in their departure from God.  Now, He takes it further and applies it to the whole of humanity.  Spiritual blindness is the sad reality marking every man, woman, and child born into this world.   All these physical conditions that Jesus healed are representative of a wider spiritual condition before God.  We are thinking, here, not of a man who became blind, but a man who was born blind.  Scripture makes it clear that this is the condition of the human race.

Psalm 51v5- “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me.”

Psalm 58v3- “The wicked are estranged from the womb. They go astray as soon as they be born speaking lies.”

Ecclesiastes 7v20- “There is not a just man up on the earth that doeth good and sinneth not.”

2nd Corinthians 4v4- “In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them that believe not.” 

Ephesians 4v18- “Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, through the ignorance that is in them.”

There are many who think they can see things spiritual-such as the scribes and Pharisees, but Jesus said they were blind.  God’s word declares that, as we were born, we are blind to the truth of God, and this is our condition from birth.  Like this poor man, we all need to receive our sight.  Back in Genesis 3v5, Satan claimed that God was withholding something good from them, and that by opposing His will their eyes would be opened.  In fact all it did was subject humanity to spiritual blindness.  Christ came to reverse this trend, as predicted in Isaiah 35v5, 42v7, and Luke 4v18.  Christ revealed Himself to Paul, as He commissioned him to preach the good news to the world-Acts 26v17-18, “Delivering thee from the people (Israel), and from the Gentiles (all other nations of the world) to whom I now send thee; to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light…”.  All humanity is blind including the chosen nation, and in Christ alone their eyes can be opened, else remain blinded forever.

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