Tuesday 4 April 2023

Jesus the light of the world

 The Divine light probes the darkness of their minds  8v21-59

 In this section Jesus takes the initiative and He is the one asking questions as He probes the recesses of their darkened minds.  He proclaims a series of contrasts which opens up the vast gulf between them.

I am going you cannot come-a contrast of destiny

I am from above you are from beneath… I am not of this world you are of this world-a contrast of origin

I am without sin you will die in your sins-a contrast of lifestyle

I am of God the Father you are of your god, the devil-a contrast of relationship

This was such a withering attack on the hypocritical religious leaders of the nation, that in the end they took up stones to kill Him.  In a chapter which began with their desire to kill a woman taken in adultery, and His intervention prevented the casting of even one stone, the chapter ends with their murderous attempt to stone Him; but He escaped out of their midst for the time had not come.  When the time would come, He would submit, not to their will but the Father’s.  These verses demonstrate the tremendous gulf that exists between God and man.  These were men posing as godly leaders, yet their master was the devil, not God.  What a warning to all today who take up religious posture, and present the image of godliness, but in fact are inwardly corrupt.  What really upset them was His constant usage of the phrase “I am” which they picked up as referring to Deity-the title that God gave of Himself to Moses.  This is cited indirectly. and directly throughout the verses-v12 “I am the light of the world”; v23 “I am from aboveI am not of this world ; v24 “If you believe not that I am, ye shall die in your sins”; v28 “When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am”; v58 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was I am.”

This is such a radical chapter we must take note of every part of it.  He's talking to people who are very sure of themselves, that they are the elite and that God will honour them.


Jesus is going to heaven, but they cannot come  v21-22

There is no place in heaven for sceptical and rebellious sinners-John 7v34; 13v33; Rev. 21v27.  They are sinners, and if they reject Him, they will die in their sins and so will never enter heaven.  Heaven’s door is closed to the rebellious leaders of Israel.  Jesus is going His way, and we're all on a journey from this life, and there are only two possible destinies.  This will be decided alone on our attitude to Him.  He says in v24 “…if ye believe not that I am (He), ye shall die in your sins. The only hope of heaven is faith in Christ.

Jesus is from above, they are from beneath   v23-24

He came from heaven, their origin is hell.  Having spoken of destinies, He now speaks of origins.  Origins determine destinies, unless there is a radical change.  Their origin is from beneath, that is metaphorical for hell. They are of this world, they think like this world, they speak of this world, and they will receive the judgment of this world.  The term “world” in the writings of John, usually assume a world of evil, under the control of demon spirits; a world which does not know Christ, and cannot receive the Spirit of truth; an evil world which hates Christ and Christians, which shall be judged; a world whose standards are self-serving and haughty and covetous.  A search of all references reveal the nature of world John is describing. 

They were dull of hearing but some believed  v25-31

“Who art thou?” they say.  How dull can people get?  Jesus has told them time and time again who He is.  So he simply replies “…the same as I've told you from the beginning.”  Anyone who claims to be the light of the world must be God Himself.  Anyone who does the miracles that He does must be God.  It may have been incredulous to them, but they were so spiritually dull they start to ask ridiculous questions.  Jesus spoke only what His Father revealed to Him.  He said, “I have many things to say and to judge of you; but He that sent me is true, and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of Him.” This is confirmed more than once in the Gospel of John.  Chapter 3v32, John the Baptist said, “And what He hath seen and heard, that He testified; and no man received His testimony.”  Here in 8v26 He says, “I speak to the world those things, which I have heard of Him.”  Again in v28 “… as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things.”  Also in15v15 He said, “All things that I have heard of my Father, I have made known unto you.”  It is important to understand the relationship He had with his Father,  that what He gave us comes directly from God and therefore they are the truth.  Jesus spoke words of God, words of truth. However, to  those who did not understand He said, “When you have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am; and I do nothing of myself but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things. And He that sent me is with me.  The Father has not left me alone, but I do always those things that please Him.”

He is referring to the crucifixion-which is what is meant by the Son of man being lifted up.  This made it clearer to many, indeed as He spoke these words, many believed on Him.  Note the progression of thought in this portion:

It was God the Father who sent Him.

The One who sent Him was true.

He spoke only the words of the Father.

He did only that which was pleasing to the Father.

This would mean Him being lifted up on a Roman Cross.

The Father was with Him all the way.

As He spake these words many believed on Him.”  Those who believed were from the ruling class in Israel-this is the import of “the Jews”, as contrasted with the common people.  In chapter 7v31 it says “many of the people believed on Him.” Here in chapter 8v31 he refers to the Jews which believed on Him.  He appealed to the ruling classes as well as to the common people.

He switches midway, as He detected the faith of some. In the midst of a public sermon He was able to detect that some believed and He prescribed for them a new way of life.  His advice to them was simple, “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

His advice was simple.  He says it was my word which made you believe. Continue in it for that is the way to follow me.  And in doing so, ye shall know the truth, and the truth will liberate you…it will free you from the shackles of the traditions of men and the doctrines of this world.  This is one of three definitions of discipleship in the Gospel of John- chapter 8v31 “…continue in the word”; chapter 13v35, ”Love one another”; chapter 15v8 “…that ye bear much fruit.” These are the marks of discipleship to Christ.  The word of Christ is truth-chapter 17v7.  Everything else is a lie, it is the truth that sets us free.

This touched a nerve. In the mind of the sceptics among them. And they said, “We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man. How sayest thou, ye shall be made free?”  Typical of self-righteous and blinded people who could not see beyond their national heritage; yet could not point to anything that marked them out as God’s people. 

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