Wednesday 25 January 2017


The epilogue          "Surely I come quickly"                Revelation 22v16-21.

            Jesus says "Au revoir..........until we meet!"

These are His last words before the great event, that sets off the commencement of the new world order.   Note His title Jesus, reminding us there is now a man in heaven, the assurance that all who are His will be there.   Note also to whom He is speaking "the churches."    Chapter1v4 &v11 make it clear that the book of Revelation was written to the churches, and Jesus confirms that here in v16.   The end of the church age would hail the dawning of a new day.   

He declares the final "I am" statement in the bible.   "I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."   The "I am" statements in the bible are assertions of deity, and the man who is now in the glory is wholly God.   He is the root of David as to His deity; He is the offspring of David as to His humanity; He is of David as to His royalty; He is the bright and morning star as to His eternity.   The one who is truly God, and who became a man, will rule the world, and will usher in God's glorious and eternal day. We all need to be on the right side of this one.   What follows are a gracious invitation; a grim warning;and a glorious assurance.

  1. A gracious invitation.     The man who will rule the world for all eternity invites all to come and join Him.   "The Spirit says come;" the constant work of the Holy Spirit is to draw everone to Christ.   "The bride says come;"  all those who are saved do the same. Those who hear, that is the newly saved, are encouraged to say come.   Those who are athirst should come, that is those who know their need of a Saviour.   Jesus Himself says come.  "Whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely."   
  2. A grim warning.     This is a warning not to tamper with the words of the prophecy of this book.   This would apply to the book of the Revelation, indeed the whole bible.   The warning is clear do not alter the words of the bible.     The first is - do not add to its words, do not go beyond what it says.   To such God will add the plagues that are written in this book, and that is enough to make anyone shudder.   The second is, -do not take away from the words of this book; do not omit any words, do not alter the meaning, do not ignore the context in which the words are  spoken.   To such God will deny all eternal blessing.   Omission from the book of life, refusal of entry to the holy city, and denial of all the blessings written in this book.   
  3. A glorious assurance.     "Surely I come quickly"     This is the only occasion when there is a response from the bride.   Other issues of His coming like obedience to His word, and the matter of rewards for faithful service, may cause some discomfort.   However, when He says  "I am coming," without qualification, the response is immediate; "even so come Lord Jesus."    The word for "surely" and "even so" is simply our word "yes," and the word is found four times in  the book of Revelation, chapter 1v7, 14v13, 16v7 and 22v20.   To all of these issues in these different verses, the response is an emphatic "yes."   The final one is  "Yes, come Lord Jesus." 
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