Thursday 12 January 2017


The eternal state                        The perfection of the work of God           Revelation 21v6.

"And He said unto me, it is done.   I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.   I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely."

The bible is always clear that everything God does is perfect.   Deuteronomy 32v3  "....ascribed ye greatness unto our God.    He is the rock, His work is perfect."   Psalm 18v30 "As for God His way is perfect."   Here we have the glorious title "Alpha & Omega" describing the God who originated all things, and will bring all things to their final conclusion.   In Genesis 1v31Genesis 2v1-2  we find the perfection of His work in creation.  "He saw everything that He had made and behold it was very good.....and He rested on the seventh day from His work that He had made."    In Genesis 5 v1-2, even after the fall and after the murder of Abel by his brother it is recorded that God blessed Adam & Eve, thus pronouncing a blessing to all those coming from the line of Adam through Seth; in effect God is saying that the fall would not frustrate His purposes for the world.     Alpha & Omega are the first and last of the Greek alphabet and this title proclaims therefore that not only did God start everything off, and will finish everything off, but He will control everything all the way through.   The interesting use of the Greek alphabet suggests that God is the great communicator of all things, material as well as immaterial and Jesus Christ Himself was the sole communicator of God in human flesh (John 1v18,  Matthew 11v27).   There are a number of incidents of this title throughout scripture as follows:

  • Isaiah 41v4     -     "......calling the generations from the beginning.   I the Lord, the First and the Last, I am He."   He is Alpha & Omega in connection with all the generations of time.
  • Isaiah 44v6     -     "Thus saith the Lord the king of Israel, and his Redeemer the Lord of hosts;I am the first and I am the last."   He is the Alpha and Omega of Israel.   
  • Isaiah 48v12     -     "Hearken unto Me oh Jacob and Israel My called;I am He;I am the first, I also am the last."   He is the Alpha and the Omega of the restoration of Israel. 
  • Revelation 1v8     -   "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending saith the Lord."   This in the context of the certainty of His coming again to fulfill God's purposes for this earth.   
  • Revelation 1v17   -     "Fear not; I am the first and the last."   This is in the   context of everything in the unseen world.
  • Revelation 2v8     -     "These things saith the first and the last, which was dead and is alive."   This to the suffering church at Smyna,  indicating that He was in control even of their adverse circumstances.     
  • Revelation 21v6    -     This is the verse before us now, and is in the context of eternity when God will make all things new.
  • Revelation 22v13    -     "I am Alpha and Omega,  the beginning and the end, the first and the last."   This in the context of rewards at His coming.
In everything, and in every sphere, He will have the first and the last say;He will enact the first and the last action;this is God's world, and all will know it.   Such a revelation as we have here, it will be folly for anyone to oppose Him.   The wonderful truth of this is stated in other scriptures.   Hebrews 12v2 says that He is "the author and finisher of faith."     In Hebrews 2v10 it says  "for whom are all things, and by whom are all things....."  Nothing exists without Him, nothing has any purpose apart from Him.   Scriptures like Romans 1v25  Romans 9v5,  Romans 12v36 and Colossians 1v15- 17 all proclaim the same truth.  The end of verse 6 proclaims that He will be sufficient for the needs for all His people throughout the unending ages of eternity.

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