Saturday 14 January 2017


The holy city, new Jerusalem                    Revelation 21verse 9 through 22 verse 5.      

For the second time in this chapter our attention is drawn to the  city descending from heaven.   The chapter presents some difficulty in interpretation as we will now discuss.   However we should not allow these to rob us of rhe superlative beauty which is here described. 

The  question is whether we are looking at the millennial or the eternal city.
  • If the millenniall city, the dimensions vary from those given in Ezekiel 40-.48.   The difference is so vast as to be describing different temples(the new city is a temple, the dwelling place of God).   A plausible interpretation would be that Ezekiel is speaking of the millennial temple, but Revelation 22 of the eternal temple.   Also, it seems unlikely that the present topography of the earth could contain such a huge structure of 1500 miles cubic as is measured here.   Only the new earth could accomodate it.   This city must be the dwelling place of the saints of all ages . It seems likely that this is the more credible explanation. 
  •  Taking it as the eternal city, however also presents problems.   How are we to understand in the eternal state, phrases such as; "the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it",21 verse 24; again "there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth", 21 verse 27; again "the leaves of the trees shall be for the healing of the nations", 22 verse2. 
 Perhaps the best solution to this interpretative dilemma is in the fact that prophetic truth sdoes not differentiate between two stages of future glory as is evidenced by a reading of Isaiah 65 verses 17-25, where both are seen as one.   Although the 1000 years of millennial bliss takes place on the old earth, yet the conditions are similar, if only a foretaste of indescribable glory in eternity. In my treatment of this difficult, but delightful portion of God's word I shall consider both the same . We will consider the wonder of all this under a number of headings:

  • The descent of the city 21verses 9-10.
  • The glory of the city 21verse 11.
  • The gates of the city 21verse 12-13.
  • The wall of the city 21verse 14.
  • The dimensions of the city 21 verses 15-17.
  • The beauty of the city 21verses 18-21.
  • The holiness of the city 21verss 22-23.
  • The light of the city 21verse 23.
  • Access to the city 21 verses24-27.
  • The life of the city 22verses1-2.
  • The activity of the city 22verses3-5.

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