Wednesday 18 January 2017


The wall of the city                          Revelation  21 verse 14.        

        "  And the wall of the city  had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb."

It is interesting that the foundations of the wall are linked to the twelve apostles.   This is stated clearly in Ephesians chapter 2 v 20 "...and are built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone."     The foundation truths of the apostles were the basis of the church which finds it's culmination in the new Jerusalem.    Scripture has much to say about foundations, and the basic thought is that of permanence.   In the gates we saw the protection of the city, here we see the permanence  of the city, it is built to last.   Everyone knows that for a building to last it must have solid foundations.   Jesus referred to this in Matthew 7, when He spoke of "the house built on the rock".   Consider then what scripture says about foundations:

  • Exodus 26 v19-25;also  Exodus 38 v 20-30;   The foundation for the tabernacle was  of sockets made of silver, the silver being the symbol of  redemption, according to 1st Peter 1 v18.  Therefore the first picture is of God's people on a silver foundation.   We stand upon redemption ground.
  • 1st Kings 7v9-10.     "All these were of costly stones......and the foundation was of costly stones, even stones of ten cubits, and stones of eight cubits."   This is a description of the foundation of the temple which Solomon built, as a house for God to dwell amongst His people.   The emphasis is on the costliness of the stones.   
  • In 1st Corinthians 3v9-17, the context is of the local church at Corinth which is described as "the temple of God" a holy temple and one in which the Spirit of God dwells.      There the apostle speaks of the foundation a nd says "other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ."   In connection with this the apostle explains  "according to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon."   Thus the present dwellingplace of God on earth, which is the local church, has its foundation in Jesus Christ and that foundation was laid by the apostles; the same truth is applied to the universal church in Ephesians 2v20 where the apostles and prophets are said to be the foundation, and Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone.   Thus Christ is both the foundation and the cornerstone of the great building that is under construction even today.
We should note from Matthew 16 that the construction of the church was to be a future event, and not anything to do with the past.   In verse 18 he says " and I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church;and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."   All of these words speak of the perminence of a church which was yet to be built.   In Ephesians chapter 2 v 21, it is made clear that the building is under construction  " in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: in whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the spirit."   Two thousand years later Christ is still building His church, and it will be seen in all its glory in the heavenly city, the new Jerusalem.   The twelve apostles of the Lamb will be given special place in this city, just as men today honour the founders and builders of society, so the names of the apostles will be for all eternity imprinted on the foundation of the walls of the city.   All this must surely ellevate our thinking about the work that we do today in association with this glorious church.   God will honour for all eternity all those who participated in the work, and especially those involved at the very beginning, in laying the foundations of Christianity.   We should also treat with respect the teachings of the apostles , since they are foundational to the great city where God will one day dwell amongst His people.

A note of caution should be sounded here; the foundations of any building are unseen.   We should all take account of the advice of the Lord Jesus in Matthew 6 where He says we are to major on things that only the Father sees, and not what is seen by men.   Only spiritual virtues, which are largely unseen will last for eternity.

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