Friday 19 August 2016


Window 3..............The opening of the seventh seal            Revelation 8v1-11v18.  

"And when He had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for the space of half an hour"         Revelation 8v1.    

Readers will recall that in chapter 5, the Divine programme to reclaim the earth would take place within the compass of seven seals.   We have already seen the outline(though not the details) of the first six seals; here now we have the seventh seal, the final and most intense display of the wrath of God.   The seventh seal brings the awesome conclusion to the open rebellion of man on earth.   It consists of :
  • The sounding of the seven trumpets.   Chapter8v1 - chapter 11v18.
  • The outpouring of the seven vials of wrath.   Chapter 15v5 - chapter 16v21.
In the chapter before us we have a number of aspects of divine judgment presented to us as follows:
  • Chapter 8v1    -    we have a pause for silence.
  • Chapter 8v2/6   -  we have the preparation of the servants.
  • Chapter 8v3-5   -  we have the prayers of the saints.
  • Chapter 8v7-12   -we have the power of the supernatural.
  • Chapter 8v13   -   we have the prediction of sorrows.
These ideas placed together will help us understand the solemnity of what is here.   Heaven is about to pour out on earth the greatest and most direct divine judgments the world has ever seen.   They are in character similar to the plagues brought upon ancient Egypt, except the judgments are taken to a global level.   We all understand what it is to take a minute's silence in respect for those who have suffered loss here in this world.   Heaven is silent  "for the space of half an hour," and so we consider first of all;  

                                                     The pause for silence

There is no joy in heaven over judgment on earth.   God must judge the world, He must punish sin, He must rid the universe of sin, but it gives Him no pleasure to do so.   It is recorded in Ezekiel 33v11  "as I live saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die?"     In Isaiah  28v21 it is stated that "judgment is His strange work."  Such shall be the awesome power of vengeance on this world that the whole of heaven stops in silence for half an hour.   To understand the deep significance of this, it must be clear to anyone reading the book of Revelation that heaven is never silent.   Scriptures like chapter 4v8  "they rest not day and night saying, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty."    Or chapter 7v10  "the great multitude crying with a loud voice."   The picture is of constant activity, constant praise, but here heaven falls silent as the servants are prepared, as the throne proclaims judgments, as God Almighty is about to pour His wrath on this world.  

God has always allowed a lull before bringing judgment.   His purpose has always been to allow time for men to repent.  
  • Prior to the global flood of Genesis 6&7  He proclaimed His intention one hundred and twenty years before it took place.
  • When He would punish Sodom & Gomorrah, the cities of the plain He pauses to hear the intercession of Abraham on their behalf.  
  • In Genesis 15v16  He pronounces judgments on the people known as the Amorites, but He waits four hundred years.
  • He warned the city of Nineveh that He was about to judge them but He gave them forty days to repent. (The book of Jonah).  
  • In Luke 13v6-7 Jesus told the parable of the fig tree, which had failed to produce fruit.   He said "leave it alone this year, dig it, dung it, water it, tend it, but if no fruit after that, cut it down."   The fig tree represents in scripture national Israel.  
  • Almost 2,000 years ago this world committed the greatest act of treachery ever seen when they crucified Jesus Christ.    In the gospel message that ensued the warning of divine judgement if they turned away from the grace of God in Christ, has now been present for all that time.  
And now, in Revelation 8v1 the time has come (and no-one will alter this divine programme).   Before He will commence the judgments He will pause so that the whole of heaven understands what He is doing, and also they will fearfully understand the righteousness of what He is about to do.

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