Wednesday 10 August 2016


UNFINISHED BUSINESS                 Revelation 7v5-8.  

"Of the tribe of Judah were sealed 12000, of the tribe of Reuben were sealed 12,000, of the tribe of Gad  were sealed 12,000, of the tribe of Aser were sealed 12,000, of the tribe of Nepthalim were sealed 12,000, of the tribe of Manasses were sealed 12,000, of the tribe of Simeon were sealed 12,000, of the tribe of Levi were sealed 12,000. of the tribe of Issachar were sealed 12,000, of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed 12,000, of the tribe of Joseph were sealed 12,000, of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed 12,000."

The Holy Spirit has repeated in detail, just in case anybody missed the truth of it, that He is talking of twelve thousand people sealed from the twelve different tribes of Israel.   There are some questions to be asked which we will deal with later but for now we must focus on the correct interpretation of what is here.   There is no doubt that this number of people from each of the twelve tribes were sealed with the seal of the living God for the purpose of accomplishing a mighty task in the latter times.   This group of people are seen to be a separate group from now on and are referred to in the rest of the book.   Anticipating the details of verses 9-17, it is clear that they are the missionaries of the last days.  

In the book of Daniel chapter 9 and in chapter 12, we are left with the distinct truth that God has unfinished business with the nation of Israel.   He said to Daniel in chapter 12v4  "but thou o Daniel, shut up the words , and seal the book, even unto the time of the end."   In Daniel 9v21-27  the Lord makes it clear there is unfinished business with Israel.   "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and the prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy."   He indicated in these verses that sixty nine weeks would be fulfilled up to the cutting off of the Messiah (a reference to the cross) and that one week would remain until the last times when "the prince of the people that shall come" would make a covenant for a period of seven years with the nation of Israel.   What we are studying here is that period of time or just before it and God is preparing the way for this final seven years of human history as we know it today.   There is an attempt by many to interpret the one hundred and forty four thousand as the church.    To interpret my thoughts on this, in such a small space, I refer to the writings of J.A. Seiss; the "Apocalypse", Zonderman 1865 pages 405/406 -  "nor is there any vice or device of sacred hermeneutics which so beclouds the scriptures, and so unsettles the faith of men, as the constant attempt to read church for Israel, and Christian people for Jewish tribes.   As I read the bible, when God says  "children of Israel" I do not understand Him to mean any but people of Israeli blood be they Christians or not; and when he speaks of the twelve tribes of the sons of Jacob, and gives the names of the tribes, it is impossible for me to believe that He means the Gentiles in any sense or degree, whether they be believers or not."

It makes a nonsense of language to say that Israel in the bible means anything other than Israel.   There is no convincing argument for replacement theology in the whole of the bible.   There is no doubt in my mind that this portion before us is speaking of the mass evangelism by Messianic Jews who in the power of the Holy Spirit of God were brought to faith in Christ after the church has gone.   Just as the church was brought into blessing through the agency of Israel (Romans 9v5) so the plans of God for the last days will be brought into effect by the incredible efforts of last day Jewish evangelists.    All that happens from here on is the fulfillment of Daniel chapter 9.  

We notice a number of important features in the list.  
  • There are twelve thousand from each of the tribes; there is no variation in the number.  We bear in mind these people are being raised up for missionary service.
  • We note the inclusion of the tribe of Levi, who were usually left out of the list because they were kept apart for temple service.
  • A possible reason for their inclusion was the omission of the tribe of Dan.   We are not given the reason for this, but we know that the tribe of Dan were associated with rank idolatry and departure from the Lord.   (Leviticus 24v11, Judges 18v1, 1st King 12v18).   It is possible this behavior debarred them from such holy service in the last days, but it does not deter them from ultimate divine blessing, because they are mentioned amongst the twelve tribes  in Ezekiel 48v1 which is a time beyond what we have here.   Thus the principle would be that although my earthly actions would debar me from service now, it will not affect God's ultimate blessing.  
The whole point is that despite all the failures and the discipline and the exile and the scattering abroad, God has brought the twelve tribes together in His service as the evangelists of the tribulation period.   Despite the mass rejection of Christ as the Messiah He finds twelve thousand from each tribe who accept the Messiah, willing to serve Him.   We will next discuss the glorious results of their work.


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