Tuesday 16 August 2016


Continued/    from 107

Their identification

"And one of the elders answered saying unto me, what are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir thou knowest. And he said unto me, these are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb".      Revelation 7v13-14.   

What does it mean one of the elders answered?   The presence of a vast throng who have initiated angelic praise, raises a question.   The elder who asks the question actually knows himself but he is informing John the apostle, who would not know. John replied to him  "Sir, thou knowest."   The elder goes on to explain but this exchange raises some other interesting questions.   The first of these is what is the status of human beings who are glorified in heaven, because John addresses him as "Sir"; the Greek word is "kurios" a word which means that the person addressed is superior to the one who is asking the question.   We note that it is no less a person than John the apostle, (one of the twelve apostles of the Lamb) who is asking, yet he addresses the resident of heaven as his superior.   On this basis it would appear that John the apostle, yet to be glorified, acknowledges that those in heaven glorified are superior in status to himself.   Secondly, he says  "Thou knowest" John did not know who these people were but the elder goes on to explain who they are.   This raises the question as to the knowledge of people in heaven, and their awareness of current events on earth.   It would appear that glorified saints are superior in status, and also superior in their knowledge and awareness of the purposes of God, and of events on earth.

All this is borne out by the teaching of Paul in other places, such as 1st Corinthians 13v12 where he describes the knowledge of the saints on earth as being at best only partial "for now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face.   Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."   There is little doubt that this particular verse is referring to the glorified state and this little portion in revelation chapter 7 gives us an insight into the present state and status of those who have gone before.   The answer is emphatic and reveals not only who these people are but the circumstances in which they came to be there, and the reality of their conversion to Christ. 

  • They came out of great tribulation.     Scholars tell us that the force of this word should mean a translation of  "the tribulation, the great one."   There have been many periods of tribulation but there is only one great tribulation to which Jesus refers in Matthew 24v21-22  "For then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no nor ever shall be.   And except those days shall be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect sake those days shall be shortened."    This period of time, which signals the end of time, will last for three and a half years, during which abominable atrocities will be committed against God's people and against ethnic Israel.   It is clear these elders are referring to the exact same period of time as the Lord Jesus Himself.
  • These people have  "washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."   They are in heaven, not because of their martyrdom or because of their faithfulness to the testimony of God, but to their reliance on the abiding value of the blood of the Lamb.   This is the only basis anyone will ever have a right to stand in the presence of God.   These are clearly identified as blood- bought believers from the period of time known as the great tribulation.   The prophet Daniel says that this period will be characterized by two things;  "abomination" and "desolation."   The man of sin will finally set himself up in the place of God and will slaughter all who oppose him.   This situation will last  "until the consummation."   (Daniel chapter 9v24-27).Who are they? they are the saved martyrs of the great tribulation!
Out of the darkest period of time in all history there will come a vast number of redeemed souls into heaven; all made right with God through the blood of the Lamb, all made fit for the service of God as the white robes would indicate.

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