Saturday 6 August 2016


THE SIXTH SEAL               THE WRATH OF THE LAMB       Revelation 6v12-17.  

The heavens in convulsions, the earth in turmoil, and all men in fear of God; this is the vision of the extreme last days. The heavens and the earth which God made habitable for man, is now in revolt because of the squatters living on it in rebellion. The great day of His wrath is come and all options are gone. There can be no greater paradox than the phrase "the wrath of the Lamb".

No one considering a lamb would ever think of it in terms of wrath; the power of this statement is that these judgments will be carried out by the Man of Calvary.   The One who died for the sins of the world will pour the wrath of God on this earth on those who continue in their sins.   We say, along with the apostle Peter, and with breaking hearts for all those yet outside of Christ  "What shall be the end of those that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ?  

  • A great earthquake.     The word is used is "mega"; there have been many earthquakes since the beginning of time; the earliest recorded ones were in the nineteenth century and they continue until this day, and will go on into the future (Revelation 8v5 & 11v13).   The bible mentions earthquakes in Amos 1v1, Zechariah 14v5, Matthew 28v2, Acts 16v26.    There has never been an earthquake like this "mega" earthquake that will happen in these days.   The details are found in chapter 16v18-20  "And there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great.  And the great city (Jerusalem) was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath."  The prospect of every city destroyed by one major earthquake is indeed terrifying. 
  • The sun darkened, the moon turned to blood, the stars falling from heaven.    These are cosmic convulsions such as never before and are predicted in the following scriptures:  Joel 2v30-31: Joel 3v15: Amos 5v18-20: Isaiah 13v9-10: Matthew 24v29: Mark 13v24-25: Luke 21v25-27.   These are the words of God and these things will happen!
  • The heavens shall depart as a scroll.         This will occur at the very end of time just prior to the eternal state at the creation of the new heavens and the new earth.    Relevant scriptures are Psalm 102v25-27 (quoted in Hebrews 1v10-12): Isaiah 34v4: Matthew 24v34: 2nd Peter 3v10: Revelation 20v11.   The last named is worth quoting  "And I saw a great white throne and Him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them."   Those who want to build all their hopes on this world take note.   This is the dissolution of all things. Hebrews 1v12 says concerning the heavens "as a vesture shalt thou fold them up..."; the awesome universe with it's countless billions of stars, set in the vast extremities of infinite space, He(the Lamb) will fold up like a garment!!
  • Every mountain and island moved.     The Lamb is changing the topography of the earth in preparation for life in the new kingdom (Revelation 20v9).   The word used for "breadth" of the earth could be rendered "the flat plain of the earth."   The purpose is to make earth habitable and to assist ease of movement in times of great prosperity.   All of this is hinted at in Isaiah 40v3-4; in the context of the return of God to the earth, the prophet says  "make straight in the desert a highway for our God; every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low.   The crooked shall be made straight and the rough places plain.  
  • Men of all classes and cultures brought to their knees.     No matter your class, or status, this is the time when men understand who Jesus Christ is.   The details are comprehensive:
"The kings of the earth and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man ......."    no one escapes.   This is God's earth on which they have squatted whilst in rebellion against Him.   Much is made today of "human rights."   We have no rights living on God's earth, eating His food, breathing His air, using the world resources for ourselves, whilst living in disregard to Him.   All we have is responsibilities to honour the Creator as He is honoured by beings far greater than us.   This panoramic view of the last days tells us one inescapable fact; God through the Lamb Jesus Christ will take back control of the earth.   The great day of His wrath has come and no one will stand, save those who have placed their trust in the Saviour. The broad outline then is as follows:  The great deception, then global warfare, then widespread famine, resulting in mass deaths, including a vast number martyred, culminating in the dissolution of all things as we know them. 

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