Monday 8 August 2016


ANGELS.......... HOLDING BACK THE WINDS OF WRATH           Revelation 7v1-3. 

It is important that we understand what we are reading. "And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.   And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God.........."

How are we to understand all this?   It is clear God has His own kingdom, set in ordered fashion, and ready for any eventuality.   Living in a world marked by apparent chaos, it is comforting to know that in heaven there is an ordered arrangement of things.   There are countless angels as part of God's administration.
  • Ephesians chapter 1v21 speaks of  "principalities and powers and mights and dominions ".   In Colossians 1v16 it says that Jesus Christ "created all things in heaven and on earth visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers".  In heaven God has at the ready various ranks of angels.
  • The bible speaks of the archangel (Daniel 12v1) where he is described as "the great prince."   In Jude verse 9 we are told of "Michael the archangel" and again in 1st Thessalonians 4v16.   There is therefore one angel who is above all the rest in heaven's order of things.
  • In Zechariah 4v24 there is reference to  "the two anointed ones that stand by the Lord of the whole earth."  
  • In Zechariah 6v5 we are told of  "the four spirits of the heavens which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth."  
  • In Luke 1v19 the angel who proclaimed the birth of Jesus said  "I am Gabriel that stand in the presence of God and am sent to speak unto thee."
  • In Revelation 1v1 and Daniel 10v21 we have reference to the angel involved in the transmission and proper understanding of holy scriptures.
  • In Revelation chapter 2&3 we have seven angels involved in the seven churches.
  • In Hebrews chapter 12 they are described as being "an innumerable company" which is translated "myriads."
  • Sometimes there is a full gathering of angels when they are summoned by God: other times they are used individually for specific task.   It is abundantly clear that God has His own servants in vast numbers and with capability beyond any human being. 
  • We continue to understand in Revelation chapter 7 that there are four angels to whom has been given "the four winds of the earth."  
  • In the same chapter we have another angel arising from the east who is superior to these four and can command them to act, or not, as the Lord will.
  • We are told of mighty angels/strong angels. Not all angels have the same power.
  • There are the angels of the seven last plagues mentioned in revelation 15v1 & 16v1.
From a such a biblical perspective we understand that heaven is well able to deal with anything that is demanded of them.   When we consider that in one night, one angel sent from the Lord destroyed an army of 185,000 people who threatened the extinction of Judea, we begin to understand just what kind of power is at God's disposal.   (2nd Kings 19v35).   In Matthew 26v53 Jesus reminded His disciples of His power  "Thinkest thou not that I cannot now pray to My father, and He shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?"   It is time for us in our reading of Holy scripture to understand the power that is behind such words  "the four angels who hold the four winds of the earth."

So what are the four winds of the earth?   They not only refer to literal winds which may cause havoc, but they are also used to denote occurrences of divine wrath. 

  • Jeremiah 49v36    "Upon Elam will I bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven."
  • Jeremiah 51v1      "Against them that dwell in the midst of Babylon, of them that rise up against Me, a destroying wind."
  • Daniel 7v2             "Behold the four winds of heaven strove on the great sea.   From this God caused to arise four great beasts to accomplish His purposes.
These four angels had the power to hurt the earth at the command of God.   They have full command of the habitable earth  "land, sea and trees."   What all this means is left to our imagination.   Therefore all land, all oceans, and all vegetation, all which is necessary for life on earth are under their power.   These can carry out any operation in all these spheres; but they are here restrained with the command from another angel  "hold back until........"   this other angel, evidently superior in rank to these four forbids them to act until one thing happens.   Firstly we note this angel ascended from the east.   In scripture the east always speaks of a new beginning, a new dawn, a new day, a new order of things.   the sun rises in the east, and the significance of this angel coming from the east is that a new order of things is about to take place.   This angel holds back the winds of wrath.  

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