Tuesday 9 August 2016


THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD       Revelation 7v2-3.  

A seal is literally an imprint on wax, and denotes possession. Animals and slaves were branded for identification purposes.   The "seal of the living God" is the highest form of authority. No man or demon can touch those so sealed without Divine permission. Every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is sealed by the Holy Spirit(Ephesians 1v14).  We are sealed as a guarantee that, as our souls have been saved, so will our bodies. This high- ranking angel has the power to seal the elect servants of God for the work in this future time period; but first he must hold back the winds of Divine wrath in the hands of the avenging angels.  What is this seal?.... we are told in chapter 14v1"having His Father's name written on their foreheads".   They are the "untouchables" of the last days who will serve God in the darkest period of human history.   Later we shall read that Satan, the great imitator, will attempt to copy this procedure, but it will only be to mark out those who like him are destined for the lake of fire.   God holds back war until these people are sealed!   Believers should note that our God can constrain and restrain universal actions at will.
  • All those who are sealed are said to be "the servants of our God."   The word is "doulos" and means "slave."   These people are fully committed, totally involved in the work of God.   This will be the very essence of their living.   This is a common word for God's people in the book of Revelation.   We are not saved to be idle; we are slaves 24/7 in the service of the Master.   (Revelation 1v1; 2v20; 7v3; 10v7; 11v18; 19v2; 19v5; 22v3; and 22v6).
  • All those sealed are Jews.   they are said to be one hundred and forty four thousand, twelve thousand from each of the tribes of the children of Israel.   This is one of the most amazing fulfillments of prophecy in the entire bible.   For almost three thousand years this nation has been divided and scattered throughout the world.   People have even spoken of  "the lost tribes of Israel."   There is no such thing; none are lost.   Here is the record "I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel."   How anyone could make this happen, is a feat beyond any human ability; only God can do this.   In Hosea 1v11 it was predicted  "then shall the children and Judea and the children of Israel be gathered together and appoint themselves one head and they shall come up out of the land: for great shall be the day of Jezreel."   A similar thing is stated in Ezekial 37v16-17  "Moreover, Son of Man, take thee one stick and write upon it for Judea and for the children of Israel his companions; then take another stick and write upon it for Joseph the stick of Ephraim and for all the house of Israel his companions; and join them one to another into one stick, and they shall become one in thine hand."   Here we have the beginnings of the fulfillment of those prophecies.   Time and tide will not frustrate the purposes of God.  
  • Is the number 144,000 to be taken literally?   The answer appears to be yes.   In Revelation 14v1 this same number are seen to be standing on mount Sion with the Lamb and they now form a separate group in the book.   This is after this period of world tribulation is ended. Just as the four living creatures, the 24 elders, are definable groups, so now the 144000.  Again in Revelation 14v4 it is stated  "these were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb." The context is "the great tribulation", they are the firstfruits of the period of the tribulation.  In verse 3 of the same chapter it says that " these were redeemed from the earth."   These are the first converts to Christ after the church is gone.   When Jesus would convert the world at large He chose twelve apostles through whom He built His church.   Using 144,000 converted Jews, who are untouchable in their beings and who are fully committed to the cause of Christ He will bring about mass conversions during the worst period in human history. There is no way I can see these as referring to anyone other than converted Jews due to the specifics of verses 5-11. These are all of the twelve tribes of Israel as stated.

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