Sunday 31 July 2016


THE FIRST  SEAL  ..........GLOBAL DECEPTION          Revelation 6v1-2.  

"And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard as it were  the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying "come and see"; and I saw , and behold a WHITE HORSE: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him; and he went forth conquering and to conquer". 

The first four seals were opened in turn by the four living creatures, already described in the worship scenes of chapters 4/5. These, who have been closest to the throne will, at the command of the Lamb, initiate the commencement of the new world order. They are defined for us in Zechariah 6 v1-8: "These are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of the whole earth". Significantly there is mention of four chariots and four horses exactly as Rev.6. Zechariah chapters 1&6 reveal that these spirits traverse the whole earth in the course of their business for God (1v10-11, and 6v6-7). They are able to call up any situation in their mission. The call "Come and see" is better rendered simply "Come", and refers to their manipulation of world events as required. They can summon any set of circumstances as commanded and none will forbid them. These calls occur in v1,v3,v5,v7; the events are a change in world powers, a full scale world war, a devastating world famine, and mass humanicide  on a scale never seen before. 

Taking the first of these, there is a change in world government. The WHITE HORSE is the symbol of victory in conflict; it was the custom for victorious Roman generals to parade their conquests riding a white horse. When Jesus returns to earth He will be on a white horse with the "armies of heaven following Him, all on white horses". The one who sits on the white horse here, is in fact the antichrist, the arch deceiver the usurper of earthly power as described in scripture.... the "man of sin" of 2 Thessalonians1v3-4/ the "vile person" of Daniel 11v21/the "king of fierce countenance" of Daniel 8v23/the "prince that shall come" of Daniel 9v26/ the "beast" of Revelation 13v1. When Christ comes back to earth, there will follow untold blessing, when this man rises to power, there follows unparalleled carnage. The rider has a bow but there is no mention of arrows. The bow is the instrument of war, the arrow weapon of war; this victorious conqueror, whose conquest is ongoing appears to have gained supremacy more by the threat of war, than by actual war. He ascends to world domination, mainly by peaceful means. By Divine providence, through the agency of the supreme angel, he gains supremacy. This much is clear "a crown was given to him". It was a victor's crown "stephanos"; not the diadem which is the crown of inherent right, but the crown of success in conflict. As with everything such status is gained by Divine permission.

The story is filled in by the prophet Daniel: 
  • He will start as a little horn:   that is a world power of little significance. Daniel 7v8; 7v11; 7v20; 8v9. 
  • He will emerge at a time when a ten power confederacy is to the fore  (Daniel 7v8.) This will be the "one world government" of the future, already being discussed in high places; this is the ultimate of present- day globalization.
  • He will subdue three of these powers.   Daniel 7v5; 7v8; 7v20. 
  • He will use this success to gain control of the remainder of the ten; he will take over the superpowers by craft, and predominantly peaceful means.  Daniel 8v23-25; 11v21-24; 2 Thessalonians 2v3-4; v8-9; Revelation 13.  This confirms the bow without the arrow.
  • His success is by the gift of a superior power.  Daniel 8v34; Revelation 13v5.  
These scriptures confirm that there will arise a relative  "nobody" to world domination. He will subdue "by craft" and by "flatteries" and by "peaceful" means. This man will be the essence of all wickedness, a man of "fierce countenance". However the early part of his reign will be peaceful, but it will not last. "He went forth conquering, and to conquer". He will not stop until total domination is his. This by the decree of the executive angel acting for the Lamb. God will show the world the depths of evil in the human heart, and just why His Son must die in our place. This is the ultimate fulfilment of Daniel 4v17 " the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever He will, and setteth up over it the basest of men". In these last days the world will receive the worst of men as it's ruler, by Divine decree.

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