Friday 8 July 2016


OVERVIEW OF REVELATION        chapters    4-22......     

"After this I looked and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said "Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.......".

Here begins a new section of the book.   In chapter 1v10 he heard the voice as of a trumpet; it was the voice of Christ revealing to him the programme of the church.   Now in chapter 4 he hears the same voice and He is now speaking of future events, that is, events that will take place after the church is complete.   This is in line with the sub division of the book by Christ Himself in chapter 1v19.   He begins this section with the words  "after this"  or better" after these things."
After what things?   After the church age: predominantly these events are future and, indeed, are still future; references to past history are presented as having relevance to their ultimate fulfilment. Chapter 4v1 onwards is presenting "the things hereafter".  and this fact will become clearer as we progress.   The period of time detailed in chapters 4 - 22 is described in the bible as follows:
  1. The day of the Lord.       -       Various scriptures ranging from Isaiah 2v12 - Malachi 4v5 in the Old Testament and in Acts 2v20 and 2nd Peter 3v10 in the New Testament.
  2. The day of vengeance of our God.     -     Isaiah 61v2.
  3. The time of Jacob's trouble.     -     Jeremiah 30v7.
  4. The great tribulation.    -     Matthew 24v21; Revelation 7v14. 
The period of time variously described above spans from the end of the church age until the day of eternity.     We shall discover as we go along that there is a marked change in God's dealings with this world.   Until now His sovereign control of the earth has been invisible and indirect.   Now He becomes visibly and directly involved in our affairs.      He takes control of things on earth to bring all of history to its conclusion.   The evidence of this is scattered throughout chapter 4 - 22.   Heaven begins to take control as is indicated by the opening phrases of six different windows in these chapters which begin with the statement that something is opened in heaven. Each of these windows closes with details of a comment of all that heaven has done, and we shall see this as we progress. We have action followed by adoration six times over and this is the message: heaven acts, let earth adore! We could call this section "the windows of heaven!" 

Window 1     - Chapter 4v1-Chapter5v14.    Chapter 4v1   "a door was opened in heaven."   This runs through to the end of chapter 5 where there is recorded in verses 13 & 14 universal praise for all that God has done.  
Window 2      - Chapter 6v1-Chapter7v17.    "The Lamb opened one of the seals ."   This is the beginning of judgment on the earth and the section ends in chapter 7v17.   From verses 9 - 17 of this chapter there is an acknowledgement in heaven of God's goodness to all who honoured Him.  
Window 3     -   Chapter 8v1 - Chapter 11v18.   This commences with the opening of the seventh seal in heaven, which gives way to the seven trumpets, and then to the seven vials when the divine judgment on earth intensifies.   The section ends in chapter 11 v 16-18 when there is acknowledgement of God's righteousness to judge the earth. 
Window 4     -    Chapter 11v19  - Chapter 15v4.   It begins "the temple of God was opened in heaven  and the section ends with a singing of the song of Moses in chapter 15v3&4.  
Window 5     -    Chapter 15v5 - Chapter 19v10.   It begins with  "the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven opened."   This section ends with the marriage of the Lamb in chapter 19v1-10 and various voices in heaven rendering praise to God.  
Window 6     -    Chapter 19v11 - to the end of the book.   It begins by saying  "I saw heaven opened."     This section ends with the voices of the Spirit and the bride and all who hear saying come Lord Jesus and he has come to set up His kingdom and to usher in the new heaven and the new earth.

A door opened, the first seal opened, the seventh seal opened, the temple in heaven opened, the testimony in heaven opened, all of heaven opened!!  Divine action, creature adoration! repeated again and again. Truly we await "the bright and morning star", the dawning of a new eternal day.


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