Friday 15 July 2016


IN THE MIDST OF THE THRONE AND ROUNDABOUT THE THRONE    "Four living creatures"      Revelation 4v7-8.  

In the language of Psalm 68 these mysterious creatures could be described as "God's charioteers. "  They dwell constantly in the presence of God like some kind of "praetorian guard" ; they are  continually the closest beings to God Himself.   The molten sea of 1st Kings chapter 7 in the temple was supported by animal like creatures; so here in Revelation chapter 4.   They are said to be "in the midst of the throne" suggesting closeness to God, and "roundabout the throne " suggesting total defense.  The picture is that no-one comes close to God without their say so.   From the details of Isaiah chapter 6, Ezekiel chapter 1 and Revelation chapter 4 they appear to be a cross between the seraphim and the cherubim.   They represent the majesty of God in His creatorial sovereignty.   Four things are detailed about them:
  • The first thing we have to note about them is their total perspective of all things at one and the same time.   They are said to be "full of eyes before and behind." and again "they were full of eyes within."   Whether externally in the universe or internally in heaven their dwellingplace there is nothing they cannot see at one and the same time.   No one else in the universe has this ability.   They know all things past, they know all things future, they know all things present.     In terms of  physical sight human beings have peripheral vision of 180 degrees; the eagle 240 degrees; only Deity has full physical and spiritual vision at all times.   A good exercise to set ourselves would be to trace through scripture the all seeing vision of God.  
  • These living creatures portray the divine majesty in the created order of things.   The first one was like a lion representing the highest order of wild animals ever created and speaking of the majesty and sovereignty of God.   The second one was like a calf (Ezekiel chapter 1 suggests an ox).    The calf and the ox are from the same family and represent the highest order of domestic animals suggesting patient strength in labour.   The usage of the calf here would focus on nimbleness of movement.  The third one had the face of a man, the highest order of all living earthly creatures speaking of intelligence.   The fourth one had the face of an eagle representing the highest order of all birds flying in the heavens and representing swiftness of movement and penetration of vision.     Each of these orders of creation represents something of God Himself, in their variety, and their ability.  
  • An interesting remark is made here that each one of them had six wings about him.   This represents Divine movement, Divine progress in the accomplishment of all his purposes.   Sometimes we have the view of God as being static in the heavens.   Nothing could be further from the truth.   Ezekiel chapter 1 tells of the movement of this throne and speaks of "wheels within wheels."  Psalm 68 speaks of  divine movement; verse 4 says "extol Him that rideth  upon the heavens by his name Jah.".   verse 7 says  "thou wentest forth before Thy people, when thou didst march through the wilderness."   verse 17 says "the chariots of God are twenty thousand even thousands of thousands of angels; the Lord is among them as in Sinai in the holy place."  verse 33  "To Him that rideth upon the heaven of heavens."   The throne of God is more active than we possibly imagine.  
  • These are engaged in perpetual worship;  "they rest not day and night saying holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty which was, and is, and is to come."   Such is the awesome majesty of the One with whom they dwell these creatures are compelled to utter worship to Him day and night without ceasing.    We human beings cannot conceive of anything like this, but it should spark within us a deep reverence for the God who has created us, for the wonders of His creation and for His eternal existence that has given to all life and breath and all things. 

Isaiah saw a similar thing when he saw this throne and said  " the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried."   Jesus said when He was here  "If these should hold their peace, even the very stones would cry out."   This happened when Jesus dies on the cross at Calvary and God brought darkness over all the land and a silent hush fell on all creation, it is recorded "Behold the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake and the rocks rent and the graves were opened."  Matthew 27v51.    There is something about the near presence of God that brings a compulsion to respond immediately; such is the majesty of His presence; and when man fails to respond even the very inanimate creation will be compelled to respond when God is at work.    

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