Friday 22 July 2016


TAKING THE BOOK         Revelation 5v7

"And He came and took the book out of the right hand of Him who sat upon the throne."

A fairly simple statement, but when we consider what is involved it is indeed a magnificent scene.   The One sitting on the throne is no less  than the ancient of days, the God of all eternity.   The One approaching the throne is no less than  the lamb of Calvary who came to redeem humanity.   The book in the right hand contains the secrets of the counsels of the Godhead.   What we are witnessing here is the transference of imperial power to Jesus Christ affecting the entire universe.   This scene involves much more than is apparent on the surface.   He must first pass the four living creatures who guarded the throne.   It is quite impossible for us to visialise the angelic order of things, we can only suggest the outlines of Holy scripture.  Questions like; are they seraphim or cherubim?   Are there four or six of them?  Do they possess two wings, four wings, or six wings?   A study of the relevant passages would present all of these possibilities; all we can say is that there is varying divine activity in what is a highly structured order of things in the world beyond us.

Certainly the living creatures are the guardians of the throne.   They are seen in the garden of Eden in (Genesis 3v24)  debarring entrance to the garden to any human being because of sin.   They are seen in the embroidery of the tabernacle surrounding the Holy place; they are placed on the ark of the covenant symbolizing the divine presence; there are images of them in the temple; Isaiah saw a vision of this scene in chapter 6 and in Ezekiel chapter 1 the prophet describes a similar scene.   They appear to be the highest order of angels.   In (Ezekiel 28v14 & 16),  Satan was described as  "the anointed cherub that covereth."    Lesser ranks of angels are seen in different roles at different times.   When God describes the unsurpassed privilege given to Satan in Ezekiel 28, He twice referred to him as  "walking up and down in the midst of the stones of fire."   These stones of fire are never again spoken of in the bible as such, but it is possible that this has something to do with the "sea of glass" of Revelation 4v6.   Is this the meaning of the sea of glass "like unto crystal?"   Was the sea of brilliant crystalline appearance the same as the stones of fire of Ezekiel 28?   This is more than possible, because in chapter 15v2 of the Revelation there is reference to  "the sea of glass mingled with fire."    If this is the correct interpretation, it refers to a walkway of sublime privilege that was accorded to only one who was superior to all other created angels.   The lesson from Ezekiel chapter 28 is that Satan fell from the highest possible position of privilege before the throne of God, and none since have walked the stones of fire......UNTIL NOW!   Jesus arose from the midst of the living creatures, walked past them unhindered, across the stones of fire to the very throne of God to receive the book, and the guardians of the throne allowed Him to go.   For the first time a human being (although He was also divine) walked unhindered to the very throne of God.  

The prophet Daniel gives us a picture of this as he describes the awesome glory of the throne of God.   (Daniel 7v9-14 )    "I beheld till the thrones were cast down and the ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.   A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto Him, and ten thousand times ten thousands stood before Him: the judgment was set and the books were opened....   I saw in the night visions and behold One like unto the Son of Man came with the clouds of heaven and came to the ancient of days, and they brought Him before Him.   And there was given Him dominion and glory and a kingdom; that all people, nations and languages should serve Him; His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom that which will not be destroyed."   What we have here in Revelation chapter 5 is the first step to all of that.   The heavenly guards would never have allowed anyone to pass who was not worthy.   What we have here is surely one of the most amazing scenes of all time, the effects of which will go on forever.

When He took the book from the hand of the Almighty, all heaven began to erupt in ever increasing circles until the whole universe accords Him the highest place and gives to Him the honour He is due.  Worship (worth-ship) is directed to the Lamb that was slain who has conquered all and receives universal accolade to the glory of God. The despised Nazarene is the toast of all Heaven! 

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