Saturday 9 July 2016


Window 1 .        A DOOR OPENED IN HEAVEN       Revelation 4v1-5v14.

Our attention is immediately drawn to a throne; "and immediately I was in the Spirit and behold a throne was set in heaven."   Revelation 4v2; The word "behold" fixes our eyes upon this awesome scene.   Before the horrors on earth are revealed, when the convulsions of chapter 6 - 19 will shake the very heavens and the earth, we are directed to the one thing of stability in it all, namely the throne of God.   The unfolding events are not the result of uncontrolled chaos, they are the deliberate and direct interference by God on the world that He created.     For the believer there is comfort, for the unbeliever only terror.   Seventeen times in chapters 4 & 5, there is a mention of the throne and particularly the One who sat upon the throne.   This throne suggests stability in the midst of chaos; it reveals activity in the midst of complacency; it reveals in heaven joy in the face of earthly sorrow.   We are invited to look at this awesome sight from every possible angle; and so in verses 1-8 we have the throne set in heaven; the One who sits on the throne; a group of people roundabout the throne; judgements preceding out of the throne; before the throne seven lamps of fire and a sea of glass like dazzling crystal and finally in the midst of the throne and surrounding the throne mysterious creatures who proclaim the transcendence of Almighty God.  

There have been visions of this same throne throughout scripture and in each and every case it was given at a time of great crisis.
  • The vision to the prophet Micaiah in 1st Kings chapter 19 & 2nd Chronicles chapter 18 .   This was during the reign of the wicked king Ahab  (one of the most godless kings in Israel) at the time when the throne of heaven had decided to end Ahab's life.  "I saw the Lord sitting upon His throne and all the host of heaven standing on His right hand and on His left.   2nd Chronicles 18v18;  then the divine pronouncement was given and Ahab was slain in the battle.
  • The vision to Isaiah in Isaiah chapter 6.   This vision of the throne occurred at the death of Uzziah, one of the best kings in Israel and this led to the gradual downfall of Israel.   The prophet and the nation needed the knowledge that God was there in it all.   "In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple."   Isaiah 6v1.  
  • The vision to Ezekiel     This vision came in Ezekiel chapter 1 when the nation of Israel was in exile and the promise of their restoration was imminent.   They needed the assurance of the throne of God.    "  And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it...... this was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord, and when I saw it I fell upon my face.    Ezekiel chapter 1v6-28.  
  • The vision to John the apostle.    The vision of the throne that is now before us occurs immediately prior to the outpouring of divine wrath on the entire world in Revelation chapter 6 - 20.  

Ezekiel gives us the clue to all of this, because there is no actual physical throne.   He describes it as the likeness of a throne, the appearance of a man and the appearance of the glory of the Lord.   God is a spirit and all His angels are spirits.   They can take bodily form at any time, but what we have to understand  is that all these symbols represent different facets of the invisible God in heaven.   That He is unseen and spiritual does not diminish in any way the reality of what is here, but we must understand the symbols as the revelation of the nature of God. Our finite minds cannot conceive the realities of heaven, so He uses symbols of earthly things for our understanding.   John said that immediately he was in the Spirit; he was transported into the spiritual realm by supernatural means.   He was given a revelation of future events, events which would take place after the church age was completed.   The work of the spirit of God is manifold.   In the upper room  ministry in John chapters 14 - 16 we are given the full range of the work of the invisible spirit of God.   There we are told that His work today is to "convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgement."   This is His saving work in the world today.   It is also said  "He shall testify of Me" (Jesus Christ) that he did in the production of the gospels.   Again it says  "he will guide you into all truth." this is contained in the New Testament epistles.   Finally it was said "He will show you things to come" this is found in the book of the Revelation.   Here we have the final revelation of God to mankind.   It is a record full of symbols, but those symbols have a literal meaning and will have literal consequences on the entire world.    God through John has unfolded for us all future events that will affect every living being.  

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