Friday 29 July 2016


Window 2   -  THE OPENING OF THE FIRST SIX SEALS      -   Revelation 6v1-7v17

This is in three main parts:

  1. chapter 6 v 1-17     -     the opening of the seals.
  2. chapter 7 v 1-8       -     the sealing of the twelve tribes of Israel.
  3. chapter 7 v 9-17     -     The response of heaven.
The pattern of "openings in heaven" followed by a "response from heaven" will continue until the end of the book.   The details of chapter 6 - chapter 19 take place between the completion of the church and the return of Christ to the earth.   According to Matthew 24v34 this period will be "a generation," which probably means 30 - 40 years.   At the end of this period will take place what is known as "Daniel's seventieth week," a seven year period which is begun by a covenant between the world power of the day and the nation of Israel.   Most of the focus of the book is on the final three and a half years of that period.   The completion of that seven year period will signal the end of time as we know it.   It is interesting to read Daniel 9v24 to understand the purpose of God in this period of time   Before we consider the details of chapter 6 it is worth tabulating some of the features of this period of time, as the Lamb executes the judgments that will fall on the earth.   Below, these are listed in no particular order and the truth of them will emerge as we proceed; but it will give us a flavour of the conditions prevailing during this period of time which is indicated by scripture.   We shall learn to grasp the reality of the wrath of Almighty God ; at the same time we will be shocked at the impenitence of the human heart in the face of such wrath.   The ultimate objective of all of this of course is to understand the awesome glory of God and perhaps a consideration of these things will encourage more evangelical zeal and prayer on behalf of those who remain outside of God's blessings.  

  • There is a change in the character of the throne of God; it is primarily a throne of judgment, directly from heaven on earth, and will take place in increasing intensity.
  • Many millions will die; chapter 9v15-18 the third part of all mankind; Zechariah 13v8 two thirds of the population of Israel.
  • There will be cosmic upheaval.
  • The topography (the geological layout) of the earth will be changed.
  • Much vegetation will be destroyed.
  • The oceans will be partly destroyed and contaminated; all fish will die.
  • Rivers and streams of water will become polluted.
  • Demon possession will be rife on the earth.
  • Rogue governments will be afflicted.
  • Every city on earth will disappear.
  • That which remains will be demolished with outsize hailstones.
  • Religious and commercial Babylon will be destroyed.
The Lamb on the throne of heaven will use every agency at His disposal in the reclamation of the earth for God.   He will use men, armies, governments, demons, nature, angels.   Every event will be under His sovereign control in the reshaping of the earth.   The "little stone" of Daniel chapter 2 will crush the world system in rebellion against God.   All businesses will collapse; all trading will cease; all currencies will be valueless; all music will cease (that is except the music in heaven).   The world as we know it will come to a complete stop, and when all is done the Lamb will emerge from heaven with the armies of heaven to set up His throne on earth and establish His kingdom.   Readers should familiarize themselves with the contents of Daniel chapter 2, 7,8,9,10 & 11. I believe that when Jesus spoke of earthquakes, He meant literal earthquakes; the same with wars, famines, pestilences etc.; just as when He spoke in the same context of the literal destruction of the temple(Matthew 24). I believe in the same way His Revelation of the last days should be taken literally, and where symbolism is used it is to enhance the meaning in our minds. 

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