Tuesday 27 September 2016


The beast from the sea.                  Revelation 13v1-10                       part3/ 

How does any man achieve such prominence?

His authority. 

"And the dragon gave him his power and his seat (throne), and great authority ......"  Revelation 13v2.

Who gives a man such power?   The answer is, ultimately, God.   Jesus said as he stood before the Roman governor Pilate  "you could have no power at all against me except it were given thee from above."   All power and position and authority ultimately comes from God.   It says here "the dragon gave him his power" and the dragon could only do this with the permission of God.   It is a little understood truth, but one which we do well to understand that  "the gifts and callings of God are without change of mind."   Romans 11v29.    God created Satan as the anointed cherub, and even in his fallen state God grants him that position while time lasts, which even the archangel Michael had to observe  (Jude verse 9.)   In verses 5-7 of this chapter there is a series of statements which makes this abundantly clear:
  • Verse 5      "And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things."
  • Verse 5b    "Power was given unto him to continue forty and two months."
  • Verse7       "It was given unto him to make war with the saints."
  • Verse 7b    "And power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations."
Whether we think of military prowess or status or influence or powers of oratory or endurance, it all comes from the unseen world, and ultimately from God.   This may be a blow to our human pride, none of us can boast in anything save what we have been given.   This is a huge subject in the bible and it is necessarily prominent in these last days.   This man received his power (energy) his throne (his position) and great authority (his influence) from the dragon and therefore ultimately from God who will allow this to continue for three and a half years.   This principle can be applied to all things in all times in world history.  

During this period of time God will allow the power of the dragon to hold sway.
  • 2nd Thessalonians 2v9   "Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders."
  • Revelation 13v4   "And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast."
  • Revelation 11v7   "The beast that ascendeth out of the abyss shall make war against them."  This just means that the energising power behind this man comes from Satan, since no human being exists in the abyss only demons.
  • Revelation 17v8   "The beast that thou sawest was and is not and shall ascend out of the abyss, and go into perdition."
There is an interesting description of this beast in verse 1  "having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy."   This is virtually the same as was said of the dragon in chapter 12v3.   There we understood that the seven heads represented seven world empires, and that the ten horns represented the confederacy of the last days.   This world system in rebellion against God that has gone on for thousands of years will find its culmination in the last days.   This beast (whether we think of it as a empire, or of an individual) will manifest all the features of the past rebellions, each head having the name of blasphemy, which is basically verbal opposition to God.   Like all of these empires which have fallen and come to nothing, so this one will end under the mighty hand of God and men will realise finally just who God is and who they are.  
"They shall know that I am the Lord"..........no less than 41 times in the prophecy of Ezekiel!!

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